Academic Search Premier Indexes articles in more than 10,900 journals in the humanities, social sciences, and general sciences. Abstracts and full text available for many titles indexed. Includes many book review citations.
America: History and Life Indexes books and journal articles on the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present
Avery Index to Periodical Literature (1930s+) Indexes journal articles published worldwide on architecture and design, archaeology, city planning, interior design, and historic preservation. All periods covered.
Environment Complete Covers policy issues in a broad range of environmental topics. US and international journals indexed. Subjects include agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, environmental law, geography, marine and freshwater resources, public policy, social impacts, and urban planning. Formerly known as Environmental Knowledgebase OnLine.
Historical Abstracts Indexes books and journal articles on the history of the world (excluding the U.S. and Canada) from 1450 to the present.
International bibliography of the social sciences (IBSS) Contains citations from an international selection of publications (including over 2600 journals) in the fields of economics, political science, sociology, and anthropology. Good for housing policy.
Urban Studies Abstracts (1974+): Covers essential areas related to urban studies incl. urban affairs, community development, architecture, urban design and history, and other areas of key relevance. Covers 1950s through the present.
Index to current urban documents The key national resource for local government publications of the U.S. Online edition contains citations and full text (PDF format). Subject terms to use: Land use--statistics, Land use--inventories, surveys.
Sociological abstracts Indexes journal articles, book chapters, & reviews from over 1,900 journals, books, book chapters, and reviews in the social sciences. Excellent source for public policy topics.
Full List of Architecture Databases ~ Full List of Urban Studies Databases ~ Journal Info ~ Newspapers
Alternative press index online Citations are drawn from roughly 380 alternative, radical, and left publications. Useful for identifying community-based and alternative public policy perspectives on housing, land use, the environment, etc., outside of the mainstream. Most journals aren't indexed elsewhere.
AltPress watch A full text resource that covers newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative and independent press. Good for environmental justice and environmental policy issues. East Bay Expressis included starting 6/01.Coverage: 1995--
Proquest Business Includes full-text for more than 7,400 scholarly business journals and other sources, including nearly 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications, as well as country economic reports from the EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group and CountryWatch.
EconLit The most comprehensive index to scholarly journal articles in economics. Also lists books and dissertations. Most citations include a searchable abstract.
Journal of planning literature Indexes 400+ journals and provides comprehensive coverage of the city and regional planning literature.
JSTOR - A full text searchable archive of interdisciplinary scholarly journal literature, including many in African-American studies, anthropology, political science, and sociology.
Left index - Provides access to leftist and radical media from around the world with a primary emphasis on political, economic, social, and culturally engaged scholarship, including some full textfrom journals, books, links to Internet documents, etc. A secondary emphasis is on significant but little known sources of news and ideas.Coverage: 1982--
Lexis-nexis Academic - Includes indexing to more than 5,600 journal, newspaper, and other sources, and provides full text. Good for public policy issues.Coverage: Varies
Periodicals index online Indexes thousands of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences, from their first issues to 1993. Includes some full text access. The scope is international, including journals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other Western languages. Titles indexed include Housing Studies, Journal of the American Planning Association, Urban Affairs Quarterly, Town Planning Review, and Urban Studies.
Research library (ProQuest direct) - Includes abstracts, indexing, and some full text of more than 2,500 periodical titles in the humanities, social sciences, and business, plus current coverage of New York Times, and Wall Street Journal articles.
Urban Land Institute Development Cases: Case studies on real estate development.