Most countries publish an annual statistical compilation; some began as early as the mid-19th century. Princeton University Library has a very large collection of statistical yearbooks for many countries. In general, the current volumes can be found in on A floor near the librarians' offices. The official location is DSS (Data & Statistical Services). Older volumes are in the Firestone stacks and/or on microfiche. To find statistical yearbooks for countries not listed in this guide, do a Subject search in the Main Catalog for [name of country] statistics periodicals.
- Bibliography of official statistical yearbooks and bulletins. Gloria Westfall. Alexandria, VA: Chadwyck-Healey, 1986.
Trustee Reading Room Reference (DR): Ready Ref. Firestone Z7551 .W47 1986
- Statistical abstract of the United States
Data and Statistical Services (DSS). Firestone: HA202 .U58, 1st no. (1878-present) AND
- Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom which becomes Annual abstract of statistics
Firestone Library (F) HA1121 .A2 (1871-present)
- The statesman’s year-book [United Kingdom]
RECAP JA51 .S7 (first published 1864; we have 1876-present)
- Annuaire statistique de la France
Firestone Library (F) HA1211 .A2 (1878-present)
- Statistisches Jahrbuch ... für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Firestone Library (F) HA1231 .A6 (1952-present)
- USSR facts & figures annual which in 1993 becomes Russia & Eurasia facts & figures annual
Firestone Library (F) HA1446 .U17 (1977-2002)
- Statistical abstract of Latin America
Firestone Library (F) HA931 .C12 (1955-present)
- African statistical yearbook
United Nations Collection (UN) HA1955 .U5 (1974-2013)
- Statistical yearbook for Asia and the Pacific
United Nations Collection (UN) HA1665 .S73 (1973-2004, 2007-2009, 2011)