EndNote X1 Basics
EndNote X Basics
EndNote Web Tutorial
Watch these video tutorials to learn how to use the basic and advanced features in Refworks. There is also a tutorial on the new RefShare feature in Refworks, which works great for group projects. Printable handouts are available for each tutorial, just look for the "print version" link.
Princeton University Library subscribes to the Chicago Manual of Style Online at this URL: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/contents.html.
This reference book is normallly tethered to the reference section of the library; now it is fully available online 24/7/365.
Endnote and RefWorks are bibliographic managers which enable you to create a searchable databases, or "libraries," from references you find in online catalogs, indexes, etc. These programs also interact with your Microsoft Word documents to automatically format your references and create a footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies in any citation style you choose.
Princeton supports EndNote and Refworks. Endnote is available for purchase at an educational rate from the Princeton Software Repository (and also on most cluster computers); all Princeton users are eligible to sign up for a refworks account at http://www.refworks.com/.
There are a few differences between the two programs: Refworks is easier to use than EndNote, and is rendered via the internet (rather than needing to be installed), making it fully "portable." Updates to the program are served to the user automatically, since it is web-based. It is also good for group work since members of the group can have access to the same account/files. Endnote is a well-established and very robust program, and ideal for a dissertation or book- level document. Endnote must be installed on your computer, and updates (and patches) must be obtained from the company. (Here is a detailed comparison.)
How can I get started using EndNote or Reforks?
How can I get additional help/training in one of these software packages?