ABSEES (American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies)
A database indexing North American scholarly publications in Slavic and East European Studies, including a substantial volume of material on Russian Literature. The full-text of much of the indexed material is accessible through the database.
EastView Universal Database of the Social Sciences and Humanities
A database of digital editions of Russian social-science and humanities periodicals, among them Вопросы литературы and Новое литературное обозрение.
Academic Search Premier is one of a suite of approximately 80 humanities and social science indexing databases which can be searched selectively or simultaneously through a single interface. To access the full list of databases, engage the "Choose Databases" link on the upper left-hand side of the screen. EBSCO's humanities coverage is somewhat more comprehensive than ProQuest's.
A large suite of databases indexing a number of genres of humanities and social science publications: academic journals, dissertations and theses, journalistic periodicals. As with EBSCO's Academic Search Premier, the default in ProQuest Central is a search of a small subset of the more than 80 database in the suite. To open the database list, engage the link in the top left of the screen.
Russian National Bibliography
A database consisting of digital editions of several bibliographic annuals covering books, periodicals (academic journals and journalism), dissertations, reviews, music publications, graphic arts publications and cartographic publications (Книжная летопись, Летопись журнальных статей, Летопись газетных статей, Летопись авторефератов диссертаций, Нотная летопись, Летопись изоизданий, Картографическая летопись). Note #1: The RNB's function is strictly indexical; it does not provide full-text access to any of the indexed content. Note#2: The RNB only goes back as far as 1998. For earlier publications consult the print or microform editions of the appropriate indexes (летописи).
Humanities Source Complete
A database indexing the Western scholarly periodical literature in the humanities. For pre-1984 publication use Humanities and Social Science Index Retrospective.
A database indexing the periodical literature in a number of disciplines, including the humanities.
Project Muse
A database indexing a broad range of academic journals.