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This Guide Is Out to Get You: WRI187, Spring 2024

Too Many Results in Articles+?

To find articles on your topic, you may want to consider using Articles+. You search in it similarly to how you search in the catalog; however, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of results you find. If you need to find fewer, more specific results

Edit Your Search Terms:

  • Search with more specific terms (e.g., using the word "Dachshund" instead of "dog")
  • Add more terms to your search (e.g., "dog" AND "small" instead of just "dog")

Use Filters

If you don't want to mess with your search terms but do want to try an narrow things down, try using filters.

Filters can be seen on the left-side of the screen once you have started your search in Articles+. They include: "Content Type", "Discipline", Publication Date", "Subject Terms" and "Language". 

Use Subject Terms:

  • Subject terms are like keywords/search terms, but they're more specific because they're defined by the database.
  • ONLY use subject terms that you've found attached to an article. DO NOT try to create them yourself, like you would keywords.
  • You can find subject terms by first locating an article that appears useful for you. Then, select the quick-look feature:

Once you do this, a box will open on your screen (typically on the right) and it will show you different subjects that have been associated with your article:


Find one or two that best fit with your topic and change your search by selecting the "options" button


This will take you to the advanced search feature. From there change the "All Fields" button to say "Subject Terms" and search. This will significantly narrow down your results.