To acquaint yourself with the broad outlines of a topic, we recommend that you read a brief article in a subject encyclopedia. This will give you the broad outlines of what is known and help you focus your research.
Please consult one of the following:
Oxford African American Studies Center (online)
These titles are in the African American Studies Reading Room on the B floor of Firestone Library:
Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience DT14 .A37435 2005
Complete Encyclopedia of African American History E185 .C72 2014
Encyclopedia of African American History E185 .E544 2010
Encyclopedia of African American Society E185. E546 2005
The World of Jim Crow America: A Daily Life Encyclopedia E185.61 .W934 2019
Encyclopedia of Black Folklore and Humor PN6231.N5 S6 2010
Encyclopedia of African American Writing PS153.N5 A3444 2018
Encyclopedia of African American Literature PS153.N5 E48 2007
Encyclopedia of African American Women Writers PS153.N5 E49 2007
The Handbook of African American Literature PS153.N5 E78 2004
Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Literature PS153.N5 G73 2005
Oxford Companion to African American Literature PS153.N5 O96 1997
Writing African American Women: An Encyclopedia of Literature by and about Women of Color PS153.N5 W756 2006
To engage fully with the social and historical impact of your topic, it is necessary to read up on what other scholars have written.
To find books, please use the Library Catalog
Enter the term you are looking for. Examine the results and find a likely-looking book.
After you open the record, look at the Subjects at the bottom of the page. Follow the links that seem most useful.
To find journal articles, please consult one of the following: