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SAS 355/ANT 395/ENV 381/URB 355: Coastal Justice: Ecologies, Societies, Infrastructures in South Asia

Finding Books and Articles via the Catalog and Articles+

Using the PUL Catalog for Books:

  • Use the catalog to conduct known-item searching (when you have a specific source that you'd like to find), e.g. The great derangement : climate change and the unthinkable / Amitav Ghosh.
  • If you don't have a specific work in mind, use the catalog to conduct a keyword search. You can significantly narrow your results by using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and search modifiers (quotation marks, asterisk, parentheses), e.g. tsunami AND "Sri Lanka" AND activi* .This search uses quotation marks to find "Sri Lanka" as a phrase and uses the asterisk (*) to find multiple iterations of the stem "activi", e.g. activist, activists, activism, activity, activities, etc.
    • Use the navigation pane at the left to narrow even further by mode of access, format, subject, publication date, etc.
    • Be creative and persistent - play with different Boolean searches to narrow and expand your results. When you find one title that is helpful for you, scour the bibliography to lead you to the next helpful resource. This is called chaining, and it's what most scholars do when they conduct research.
  • When you find a useful title, scroll through the catalog record to search the other related subject headings. 

Using PUL's Articles+ :

  • Articles+ saves you a lot of time by search several repositories for articles at once.
  • You will find a variety of content types including journal articles, newspaper articles, book chapters, book reviews, etc.
  • Use the same techniques above to find what you need for a given topic.

Subject-specific Databases

Multidisciplinary Academic Databases for Books and Articles