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Architecture Research Basics: Submission Guidelines and Deadlines - 2013

For the SoA, SoA VRC, and Mudd

Information by SoA for Senior Thesis *guidelines taken from the SoA Undergraduate Student Handbook

***SoA requires two bound copies of your thesis and Mudd Library requires one PDF formatted version.  Please read guidlines below carefully for formatting suggestions and deadlines. For portfolio requirements,follow this link.  

Title Page: The title page should contain the title, name of author, date, the names of the adviser and the second reader, and the following statement:

"A Senior thesis submitted to the School of Architecture of Princeton University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture."

Authorization Page: The authorization page should follow the title page and should contain the following two statements, each followed by the student's signature:

"I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. I authorize Princeton University to lend this thesis to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly reseorch."

And below this:

"I further authorize Princeton University to reproduce this thesis by photocopying or by other means in total or in part, at the request of other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research."

Table of Contents: Students may wish to provide a table of contents for each chapter and sub-division. The table of contents should follow the page of authorizations.

Dedication: A preface, acknowledgment, or dedication is optional, and if used should precede the table of contents,

Citation: Students should provide complete and correct information in the footnotes or endnotes and in the bibliography, using the guidelines established by the 13th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.They should also provide captions for all illustrations and list all necessary credits with the caption or at the end of the thesis.

Need help with your bibliography? Contact Hannah Bennett to help. 

Formatting & Binding Information

As of 9/2012, the University policy provides that each student must deposit an electronic copy (PDF) of their senior thesis with the University Archives, to be preserved and made accessible to researchers. The thesis will be accessible from any computer on the Princeton University network via Princeton's digital repository DataSpace. Exceptions to this policy must be approved through the Dean of the College. The 2013 theses will be available on DataSpace by September 1, 2013.

Guidelines for Submitting your PDF-formatted Thesis:

1)      Watch your file size.  Minimize images where possible.

2)      Name your file lastname_firstname_thesis.

3)      Use the subject line: Senior Thesis PDF Submission.

4)    Send SoA Programs Coordinator your pdf no later than 5pm on 4/22/13


Other Important Deadlines:

Second Reader Choice Due – March 4th

Draft Due – March 25th

Final Bound Copies and PDF Due – April 22nd

Abstract and Images Due – April 29th