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Princeton ARCH Program

A guide to the Princeton ARCH Program

BIPOC + LGBTQ Library and Archives Organizations

  • Society of American Archivists
    • Archivists and Archives of Color Section
      • The Archivists and Archives of Color Section (AAC) is an interest group within the Society of American Archivists. SAA is the oldest and largest archival association in North America, serving the educational and informational needs of more than 5,500 individual and institutional members. The AAC Section helps to identify concerns and promote the needs of archivists and archives of color.
    • Native American Archives Section
      • To serve as a forum to educate archivists on the complexities and beauty of Native American archives of the Western Hemisphere and as a source of communication and inspiration for archivists working with Native American collections.
    • Women Archivists Section
      • Monitors the status of women in the archives profession, and promotes the participation of women in all phases of SAA's activities and the profession as a whole.
    • Women’s Collections Section
      • The Women's Collections Section promotes the preservation and research use of records documenting women and networks archivists with holdings concerning or created by women. All archivists interested in documenting women's history are welcome to join.
    • Latin American and Caribbean Cultural Heritage Archives Section
      • The Society of American Archivists (SAA)'s Latin American & Caribbean Cultural Heritage Archives Section is a forum for anyone interested in the issues affecting Latin American and Caribbean Archives housed in United States archives and archives created by the Diaspora's communities from the Latin American and Caribbean region.
    • Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section
      • The Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section (DSGS) was founded in 1989 by members of the Society of American Archivists who were concerned about LGBTQIA+ history and the role of members of this community in the archival profession. The group, which welcomes non-members of the Society and people of all sexual orientations, promotes the preservation and research use of records documenting LGBTQIA+ history and serves as a liaison between LGBTQIA+ archives and the Society of American Archivists.
  • American Library Association
    • Black Caucus at ALA, Inc
      • The Black Caucus American Library Association serves as an advocate for the development, promotion, and improvement of library services and resources to the nation’s African American community; and provides leadership for the recruitment and professional development of African American librarians.
    • American Indian Library Association 
      •  the American Indian Library Association is a membership action group that addresses the library-related needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives. 
    • Asian / Pacific Americans Library Association
      • APALA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing leadership opportunities through informed dialogue that addresses the needs of Asian/Pacific American librarians and those who serve APA communities. 
    • Rainbow Roundtable
      • Rainbow Round Table (RRT) of the American Library Association is committed to serving the information needs of the LGBTQIA+ professional library community, and the LGBTQIA+ information and access needs of individuals at large. We are committed to encouraging and supporting the free and necessary access to all information, as reflected by the missions of the American Library Association.
  • We Here
    • We Here seeks to provide a safe and supportive community for Black and Indigenous folks, and People of Color (BIPOC) in library and information science professions and educational programs and to recognize, discuss, and intervene in systemic social issues that have plagued these professions both historically and continue through present time.
  • ACRL Women and Gender Studies Section
    • The Women & Gender Studies Section (WGSS) of the Association of College & Research Libraries was formed to discuss, promote, and support women’s studies collections and services in academic and research libraries.
  • Archivistas en Espanglish
    • Archivistas en Espanglish is a collective of transnational Latin American & Latinx archivists and cultural workers that aims to incubate and amplify spaces of memory-building within las Américas. We center the lived and intersectional histories and experiences of nuestros pueblos & communities as they exist: past, present & future.
  • The Blackivists
    • A collective of trained Black archivists who prioritize Black cultural heritage preservation and memory work

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