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Virtual Reality at PUL

Virtual reality (VR) is a realistic and immersive simulation of a virtual environment, experienced through interactive software and hardware. VR technology is available to the Princeton University community at the Stokes Library in Wallace Hall.

Virtual Reality at PUL

The Virtual Reality (VR) program at Stokes Library is designed to support education technology, exploration, and new forms of data visualization through emerging technology at Princeton University. Extended reality has an opportunity to immerse users into a new environment. The following services will be provided in support of VR at PUL:

  • Course-integrated programming

  • VR headsets available for borrowing

  • VR studio for free-play and exploration of virtual worlds

  • Hands-on workshops to learn about VR technology

  • Curricula support and design of VR learning experiences

Please email with any questions, or if you would like to request the headsets for your class or project.