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Full text--minus forewords, textual apparatus, and indices--of editions of texts from the Latin series of the Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum.
Online edition of F. Jacoby's monumental Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker Parts I-III, providing Greek text, facing English translation, and new commentary and bibliography. See also the Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance.

English version of an important German encyclopedia of the ancient world. Divided into 2 sections: Antiquity, which covers the ancient world of Greece and Rome, and the Classical Tradition, which covers the history of classical scholarship. Also available in German.

Full-text book reviews covering all aspects of classical scholarship.
Authoritative history of the ancient world presented in downloadable PDF chapters.

Detailed bibliographies of editions, translations, commentaries and important secondary literature of the major Greek authors.

Offers reference to the classical world and its literary heritage. Based on the Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. Edited by Margaret Howatson and Ian Chilvers.
Full-text access to all but the most current editions of this important series of classical medical texts, including prefatory material, apparatus, translations and commentary.
Full-text access to 10 medieval, early modern and modern Latin dictionaries with search results linked back to the Library of Latin Texts.

Free software that provides access to a locally loaded copy of Liddell & Scott's Greek dictionary and Lewis and Short's Latin dictionary. Also can be used as an interface for the PHI CD-ROMs.

Online resources for the study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World.
Projekt Dyabola provides access to the multilingual and regularly updated Archaeological Bibliography, containing book, article and web-based citations from 1956 to the present based on acquisitions at notable archaeological institutes in Europe. Additional resources related to ancient art, archaeology and history are also available. Once in, check the box at the top "activate IP access and press Start".
Covers the late Bronze Age through the seventh century CE., extending to all Mediterranean civilizations, including the Near East and Egypt.
Indexes journals in classical philology, ancient history, and archaeology. Based on the journal Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift fur die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft. A good supplement to L'Annee Philologique since it provides more recent citations.
Ongoing database of Greek inscriptions taken from a wide range of publications.
Lexicon of the most important languages and language branches of Indo-European, including Latin, Greek, Slavic, Proto-Celtic, Old Frisian, Armenian, Hittite, Luvian, the Iranian verb and Proto-Nostratic. (Proto-Germanic and Persian are forthcoming)
Provides biographical information, bibliography and discussion of each grammarian, including the Greek text of preserved fragments.
Provides a survey of the Greek and Roman worlds in all their aspects. Edited by Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth.

Critical editions of Latin texts with commentaries and translations, many of which linked to the Oxford Latin Dictionary.

Greek texts relevant to the history of the Christian Church from its beginnings through the Council of Florence in 1439.

Texts of Latin Church Fathers from Tertullian (200 CE) to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. All prefatory material is included as well as the critical apparatus and indexes. 

Descriptive database of Greek manuscripts hosted by the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes.

Elementary English-Latin dictionary.

Elementary Latin-English dictionary.

Database of published Greek inscriptions, providing the complete Greek text and critical apparatus of new inscriptions as well as summaries of new readings, interpretations, and studies of those previously known.

Comprehensive Latin dictionary whose detailed entries cover texts from antiquity to approximately 600 CE and include the etymology and later linguistic development of each word.

Tables of contents of the major journals of classical scholarship. Convenient source for browsing the most current journal literature.


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David Jenkins
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