DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books (Fine and Performing arts)
Online journals:
21: Inquiries into Art, History, and the Visual
Art Journal Open (College Art Association)
British Art Studies
Different Visions (Medieval art)
InVisible Culture
Italian Modern Art
Journal18: a journal of eighteenth-century art and culture
Journal of Art Historiography
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art
Marges (Revue d'art contemporain)
Materia: Journal of Technical Art History
Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide
Panorama (American art and visual culture)
Tout-Fait (Marcel Duchamp)
Historic American Buildings Survey, etc.
U+D urbanform and design: International Journal of Urban Morphology
Documents of 20th-Century Latin American and Latino Art
Getty Publications
Guide to the Literature of Art History (1980) and Guide to the Literature of Art History 2 (2005)
MetPublications (Metropolitan Museum)
Smithsonian: Books Online