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Hours/Working Time: Home

Catalog Subject Headings

In the catalog, use the following subject headings:

Hours of work



Shift systems

Books regarding precarious employment may also be relevant. Try the following keyword search in the catalog:

(precari?)[in Keyword Anywhere] 

AND (work OR employment OR job)

[in Keyword Anywhere]



Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Annual and monthly tables of Hours of Work based on Current Population Survey data by  by industry, age, sex, race, Hispanic ethnicity, and occupation.

International Labour Organization

Working Time topic pages include reports and links to ILO Working Conditions Laws Database and International Labour Standards on Working Time.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

OECD.Stat [Princeton-only] has several tables including "Average annual ‌hours actually worked per worker" under Labour --> Labour Force Statistics --> Hours worked