Librarians are always available to help you with research at Princeton. Here are some that may be helpful for this class.
Anthropology - Wayne Bivens-Tatum
Archeology - Rebecca Friedman
Classics - Dave Jenkins
Engineering ( and Entrepreneurship) - Willow Dressel
History - Steve Knowlton
History and History of Science - Alain St. Pierre
As well as a number of librarians devoted to helping with research in specific regions of the world
If you need background information about entrepreneurship or a region, an encyclopedia is a good place to start. These are a few that may be relevant for this class.
Contains many reference works on a large variety of topics.
The Library Catalog is great place to get started in looking for resources on the history of entrepreneurship. Subject headings can help find books on a topic or region such as history of entrepreneurship for a specific region. To scroll through the different aspects of entrepreneurship in the catalog, select Subject (browse) from the drop down and type in "entrepreneurship".
Here is an example of the books listed under Entrepreneurship - History