About Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India
Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India - data.gov.in - is a platform for supporting Open Data initiative of Government of India. The portal is intended to be used by Government of India Ministries/ Departments their organizations to publish datasets, documents, services, tools and applications collected by them for public use.
Provides macroeconomic and financial time series data for many countries. Contains a wide range of data on topics including national accounts, government and public finance, demographic and labor markets, inflation, foreign trade, foreign direct investment, financial markets, and data on a variety of industry sectors. Includes subnational data for Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia. Please logoff the database. We have 5 concurrent users. Additional help information can be found on their site.
For off-campus use, connect to the campus network via SRA before utilizing this resource. It does not work with our standard EZproxy service. Please log off the database. We have 5 concurrent users.
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics provides the government of the day and the nation as a whole with statistical information to guide decision making and the development process.
Site allows the user to search for demographic data from the recent censuses of India. Users can also generate GIS based thematic maps at state and district level showing housing, population, literacy rate, and other demographic data.
Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) is the central agency for the collection, consolidation, processing, analysis, publication and dissemination of statistics for Nepal.
This web-based survey cataloging system is powered by the National Data Archive (NADA) software developed by the International Household Survey Network (IHSN). This system serves as a portal for researchers to browse, search, and download relevant census or survey documents and metadata.The Microdata Archive provides web based access to the complete metadata of over 142 surveys and censuses conducted under the National Sample Survey (NSS) programme, Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) and the Economic Census currently available with the Ministry.
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is the official agency of Pakistan, responsible for collection, compilation and dissemination of reliable and timely statistical information to the policy makers, planners and researchers. It publishes a variety of reports, based on primary and secondary data, especially on economics and social aspects of the country.