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ARC 205 Research Guide: Finding Articles

A quick guide for finding resources for ARC 205: Interdisciplinary Design Studio [Gandelsonas]

Quick Searches in Indexes

A few suggested search terms pertinent to ARC 205:

  • Brazil AND SESC
  • Servico Social do Comercio AND architecture
  • architecture AND Brazil
  • water and architecture
  • architectural drawing
  • architectural representation

When you find *too many* results, be sure to try limiters such as AND, OR, and NOT to restrict your results to only the most relevant content. Also searching in the Abstract or Subject Term rather than by Keyword can be helpful.

Other helpful ways to limit searches include filters or facets built into databases and catalogs, including such elements as

  • Language of Publication
  • Year of Publication
  • Content Type [Journal, Book Review, etc

A few suggested research steps:

Step 1: Familarize yourself with the core architecture indexes & databases AND with the core urban studies indexes & databases.

Step 2: Set up an account with either RefWorks or Endnote. A lot of the databases allow you to directly export citations from the resource into your bibliography or folder.

Step 3: As in the Main Catalog, you are able to truncate, combine terms, and limit your searches but every index or database is a little different.  Be sure to familiarize yourself with the various wildcards & truncation symbols for a given database. This information can be found in the Help topics of a database, often denoted by a question mark, ?, at the top of the main page of the database.

Step 4: Be sure to include these key databases in your research strategy. Regardless of whether they are ultimately a boon to your research, they are are the best place to start and you will be well served by checking these off your to-do list.

Search Articles+ (not news)

Search Articles+ for scholarly content

Multi-Disciplinary Indexes

EBSCO Academic Search - Cross search this resource with Urban Studies Abstracts and Historical Abstracts

Wilson Omni File: Cross-searchable with Humanities Full Text, Art Full Text, Reader's Guide Full Text, etc. 

Article First: Cross-searchable with up to two others from the suite of databases; try Francis, Avery, and Bibliography of the History of Art. 

Proquest Research Library: Cross-searchable with just about every other Proquest database except for Historical Newspapers. 

JSTOR: A full-text archival resource provding full-text to hundreds of humanities-related journals.  Most of the content is at least 5 years old. 

Core Architecture and Urban Studies Resources

  • Avery Index to Periodical Literature: Offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, including bibliographic descriptions on subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and interior design and decoration.  (19th C+)
  • Index to Current Urban Documents: Access to full text PDF reports and documents generated by local government agencies, civic organizations, academic and research organizations, public libraries, and metropolitan and regional planning agencies in approximately 500 selected cities in the United States and Canada. Earlier documents are available on microfiche.
  • Urban Studies AbstractsCovers essential areas related to urban studies, including urban affairs, community development, urban history, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. The index contains more than 51,600 records, which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline. (1973 +)

Full List of Urban Studies-related Databses ~ Full List of Architecture-related Database

Journals ~ Newspapers