"The African American Historical Serials Collection is a complete, centralized and accessible resource of formerly fragmentary, widely dispersed and endangered materials that document the history of African American life and religious organizations from primary source materials published between 1829 and 1922."
African American Religious Serials,1850-1950 is a microfilm collection of periodicals, church annuals and reports from social service agencies serving African Americans. Location: ReCap.
The A.M.E. Zion Church quarterly. York, Pa.: P. Anstadt, -1894. Microfilm 12279 Location has: v.1:no.4-v.4, no. 1 (July 1891-Dec. 1894) [Lacks: v.1: no.5?; v.3: no.1] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Alabama Conference. Journal of the ... session of the Alabama Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E. Sunday School Union. Microfilm 12211 Library has: 57th (1924): [Lacks: 57th: p.65-66] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... session of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia: A.M.E. Publishing House. Microfilm 12298 Library has: 89th (1906) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore Conference. Minutes of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the African M. E. Church. Pittsburgh, Pa.: printed at the Christian Herald Office. Microfilm 12293 Library has: 31st (1849) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore: F.A. Hanzsche’s Steam Printing House. Microfilm 12295 Library has: 53rd (1870) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Baltimore, Md.: Hoffman & Co. Microfilm 12297 Library has: 69th, 72nd-73rd (1886,1889-1890) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore Conference. Minutes of the ... Annual Conference of the African M. E. Church for the Baltimore District. Baltimore: printed by Sherwood & Co. Microfilm 12294 Library has: 33rd-34th (1850-1851) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore Conference. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the African M. E. Church. Baltimore: printed at the Publication Rooms. Microfilm 12292 Library has: 1846 |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Baltimore Conference. Session of the Baltimore Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Baltimore: Hoffman & Co. Microfilm 12296 Library has: 61st; 66th (1878;1883) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Board of Education. Report of the Board of Education of the African M. E. Church. Athens, Ga.: H. Cranford. Microfilm 12247 Library has: 1884/1885 |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Board of Education. Annual report of the Board of Education of the African M.E. Church. Athens, Ga.: Gardner Book & Job Printer Microfilm 12247 Location has: 1889/1890 |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Central Alabama Conference. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Central Alabama Conference of the African M. E. Church. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E.S.S., Union. Microfilm 12260 Library has: 15th (1906) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Colorado Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Colorado Annual Conference of the African M. E. Church. Denver, Co.: Statesman Print. Microfilm 12259 Library has: 14th, 20th (1900,1906) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Colorado Conference. Proceedings of the ... General Conference of the African M. E. Church. Pittsburgh: printed and published at the Christian Herald Office, 1848-. Microfilm 12307 Library has: 8th (1848) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. East Tennessee Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the East Tennessee Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E. Sunday School Union. Microfilm 12220 Library has: 4th (1904) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Finance Board. Quadrennial report of the Financial Board to the ... session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Washington, D.C.: Gibson Bros. Microfilm 12312 Library has: 22nd-23rd (1904-1908): [Lacks: 22nd: p.6] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Finance Dept. Quadrennial report of the Department of Finance to the ... session (Centennial) of the General Conference, African Methodist Episcopal Church. Phila., Pa.: A.M.E. Book Concern. Microfilm 12313 Library has: 25th (1916) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. General Conference (7th: 1844: Pittsburgh, Pa.) Seventh general conference. New-York: [s.n.], 1844. Microfilm 12306 Library has: 7th (1844) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. General Conference. General Conference of the African M. E. Church: [reports]. Philadelphia: W. S. Young, printer. Microfilm 12308 Library has: 11th-13th (1856-1864) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. General Conference. The ... quadrennial session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal C. [S.l.: s.n.] Microfilm 12309 Library has: 15th (1872) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. General Conference. Journal of the ... session and the ... quadrennial session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. Xenia, Ohio: Torchlight Printing Co. Microfilm 12311 Library has: 17th (1880) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. General Conference. Minutes of the General and Annual Conferences of the African Methodist E. Church, comprising four districts. Brooklyn, N.Y.: G. Hogarth. Microfilm 12305 Library has: 6th-7th (1836-1840) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. General Conference. The ... session, and the ... quadrennial session of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [S.l.: s.n.] Microfilm 12310 Library has: 15th (1872) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Illinois Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Illinois Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [S.l.] A.J. Burton & N.J. McCracken. Microfilm 12221 Library has: 29th, 39th (1900, 1910) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Illinois Conference. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Illinois Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E. Sunday School Union. Microfilm 12218 Library has: 43rd (1914) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Illinois Conference. Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Illinois Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Peoria, Ill.: Bush Printing. Microfilm 12243 Library has: 57th (1928) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Indiana Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for the District of Indiana. Indianapolis: printed at the Office of the Free Democrat. Microfilm 12289 Library has: 14th (1853) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Indiana Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... session of the Indiana Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E. Sunday School Union. Microfilm 12290 Library has: 68th (1906) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Indiana Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Indiana Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [S.l. : s.n.], 1907-. Microfilm 12291 Library has: 69th (1907) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Iowa Conference. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Iowa Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Xenia, Ohio: W.B. Chew. Microfilm 12255 Library has: 15th (1897) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Louisiana Conference. Minutes of the ... Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for the Louisiana District. New Orleans: J.P. Hopkins. Microfilm 12212 Library has: 11th (1876) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Louisiana Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Louisiana Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. New Orleans: Paragon Print Co. Microfilm 12234 Library has: 27th (1892) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Missouri Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... Annual Conference of the African M.E. Church for the District of Missouri. Louisville, Ky.: Published by John M. Brown. Microfilm 12205 Library has: 3rd (1857) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Missouri Conference. Session of the Missouri Annual Conference of the African M.E. Church. Saint Louis: Hogan & Vivian. Microfilm 12205 Library has: 8th (1862) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. New Jersey Conference. Journal of the ... session (after organization) of the New Jersey Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Bridgeton, N.J.: McCowan & Nichols, Pioneer Book & Job Printers. Microfilm 12210 Library has: 13th, 15th-17th (1886-1889): [Lacks: 14th?] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. North Carolina. Directory of the ... session of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. [S.l.: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, North Carolina Conference] Microfilm 12204 Library has: 59th (1923) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. North Ohio Conference. Woman’s Mite Missionary Society. Proceedings of the ... annual session of the North Ohio Conference Branch Woman’s Mite Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [Wellsville, Ohio: African Methodist Episcopal Church, North Ohio Conference Branch, Woman’s Mite Missionary Society]. Microfilm 12244 Library has: 26th (1922) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... session of the Ohio Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E.S.S. Union. Microfilm 12206 Library has: 81st-88th (1911-1918) [Lacks: 82nd-87th] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference. Minutes of the Ohio Annual Conference of the African Methodist E. Church. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12227 Library has: 1850, 1852-1853: [Lacks:1853: p.1-6,11-14] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Ohio Annual Conference of the African M.E. Church. Zanesville, O.: Printed at the Daily Courier Office. Microfilm 12222 Library has: 32nd-72nd (1862-1902): [Lacks: 3rd-34th;35th: p.16;36th-40th, 42nd-45th, 47th-71st] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference. Journal of the ... annual session of the Ohio Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Xenia, Ohio: Aldine Pub. House. Microfilm 12209 Library has: 90th (1920) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference. Woman’s Mite Missionary Society. Proceedings of the ... annual convention of the Ohio Conference Branch, Women’s Mite Missionary Society. Philadelphia: A.M.E. Book Concern. Microfilm 12241 Library has: 20th-25th (1916-1921): [Lacks: 22nd-23rd] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Ohio Conference. Woman’s Mite Missionary Society. Proceedings of the ... annual convention of the South Ohio Conference Branch of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [S.l.]: African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1924-. Microfilm 12239 Library has: 2nd-7th (1924-1929): [Lacks: 3rd-6th] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Philadelphia Conference. Minutes of the Philad’a District Annual Conference of the African M. E. Zion Church in America. [Philadelphia]: E. Crozet. Microfilm 12205 Library has: 1859 |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Richmond District Conference. Minutes of the Richmond, Virginia, District Conference and Sunday school convention of the A.M.E. Church. Staunton, Va.: Stoneburner & Prufer, Steam Printers. Microfilm 12343 Library has: 1886, 1895 |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Seventh Episcopal District. School of Religion Pastoral Clinic. Program of the School of Religion Pastoral Clinic and Congress of Youth of the Seventh Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [Columbia, S.C.: s.n.] Microfilm 12246 Library has: 1946 |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Seventh Episcopal District. School of Religion Pastoral Clinic. Program of the ... Annual School of Religion-Pastoral Clinic, Congress of Youth and ... Annual Laymen’s League of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Seventh Episcopal District. [South Carolina: s.n.]. Microfilm 12246 Library has: 1950 |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. South Carolina Conference. Minutes of the South Carolina Annual Conference of the African M. E. Church, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1881; published by order of the said Conference; by T.G. Steward and H.M. Turner. Charleston, S.C.: Record Printing House, 1867. Microfilm 12363 Library has: 1865-1867; 4th (1881) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. South Ohio Conference. Minutes of the ... annual session of the South Ohio Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [S.l.]: African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1922. Microfilm 12219 Library has: 1st (1922) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. South Ohio Conference. Women’s Mite Missionary Society. Official report of the ... annual session. South Ohio Woman’s Mite Missionary Society. [S.l.]: South Ohio Woman’s Mite Missionary Society, 1923. Microfilm 12239 Library has: 1st (1923) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Tennessee Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Tennessee Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E. Sunday School Union. Microfilm 12223 Library has: 41st (1908) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Journal. [S.l.: s.n.] Microfilm 12344 Library has: 9th-11th (1875-1877): [Lacks: 9th: p.1-2;10th;11th: p.3-6] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Journal of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nashville, Tenn.: Publishing House A.M.E. Sunday-School Union, -1897. Microfilm 12351 Library has: 25th-31st (1891-1897) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Philadelphia: A.M.E. Publishing House, 1898-. Microfilm 12352 Library has: 32nd-34th (1898-1900) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Journal of proceedings of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Hampton, Va.: Monitor Electric Presses, 1903. Microfilm 12354 Library has: 37th (1903) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [S.l.: s.n.], 1904. Microfilm 12355 Library has: 38th (1904) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Hampton, Va.: Press of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, 1912. Microfilm 12357 Library has: 46th (1912) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Journal of proceedings of the ... annual session of the Virginia Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Phila., Pa.: A.M.E. Book Concern, 1913-1918. Microfilm 12358 Library has: 47th-52nd (1913-1918) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Minutes of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia: Christian Recorder Print, 1879-1880. Microfilm 12346 Library has: 13th-14th (1879-1880) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Portsmouth, Va.: Fiske & Bro., 1881. Microfilm 12347 Library has: 15th (1881) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Virginia Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, United States of America. Portsmouth, Va.: Fiske & Bro., 1882-1885. Microfilm 12347 Library has: 16th-19th (1882-1885): [Lacks: 19th: p.41-42] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Atlanta, Ga.: J.P. Harrison, 1886. Microfilm 12348 Library has: 20th (1886) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Hampton, Va.: Norman School Press, 1889-. Microfilm 12350 Library has: 23rd (1889) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Proceedings of the Virginia Conference, ... annual session, African M. E. Church. [S.l.: s.n.] Microfilm 12345 Library has: 12th (1878) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Proceedings of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Portsmouth, Va.: W.A. Fiske, 1887-1888. Microfilm 12349 Library has: 21st (1887)-22nd (1888) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Proceedings of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Richmond, Va. : Reformer Electric Power Print, -1902. Microfilm 12353 Library has: 36th (1902) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Proceedings of the ... annual session, Virginia Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E. Sunday School Union Print, 1920-1921. Microfilm 12360 Library has: 54th-55th (1920-1921) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Proceedings of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [S.l.: s.n.], 1922. Microfilm 12361 Library has: 56th (1922) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Atlanta, Ga.: Franklin Printing & Pub., 1905-1911. Microfilm 12356 Library has: 39th-45th (1905-1911): [Lacks: 44th: p. xvi; 45th: p.2-4] |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Virginia Conference. Virginia Annual Conference, containing the journal of proceedings of the ... session of the Virginia Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Philadelphia, Pa.: A.M.E. Book Concern, 1919. Microfilm 12359 Library has: 53rd (1919) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Western North Carolina Conference. The ... session of the Western N. C. Annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Hickory, N.C.: Clay Printing Co. Microfilm 12362 Library has: 14th (1906) |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Year book, A. M. E. Philadelphia, Pa.: A.M.E. Book Concern. Microfilm 12187 Library has: 1918, 1922/23, 1930 |
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Year book of Negro churches. Wilberforce, Ohio: printed at Wilberforce University. Microfilm 12258 Library has: 1935/36, 1939/40, 1948/49 |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Cape Fear Conference. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Cape Fear Annual Conference of the A.M.E. Zion Church. [North Carolina: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Cape Fear Conference] (Goldsboro, N.C.: Nash Bros., Printers and Binders) Microfilm 12215 Library has: 8th, 12th (1919, 1923) |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Central North Carolina Conference. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Central North Carolina Conference of the African. Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. [North Carolina: African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Central North Carolina Conference] Microfilm 12216 Library has: 40th, 42nd (1918, 1920) |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. General Conference. Official journal of the daily proceedings of the ... quadrennial session, of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. York, Pa.: Dispatch Print. Microfilm 12237 Library has: 21st (1900) |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. General Conference. Official journal, ... quadrennial session, General Conference / African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. [S.l.]: A.M.E. Zion Publication. Microfilm 12238 Library has: 33rd (1948) |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. New York Conference. Minutes of the annual conferences of the Wesleyan Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America. New-York: J.M. Marsh, 1842-. Microfilm 12224 Library has: 1842-1843 |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. New York Conference. Minutes of the several annual conferences of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America. New-York: J.P. Thompson & J.A. King. Microfilm 12228 Library has: 1846 |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. New York Conference. Minutes of the yearly conferences of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America. New-York: Marsh & Harrison. Microfilm 12230 Library has: 1834-184: [Lacks: 1837] |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. New York Conference. Minutes taken at the yearly Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in America. New-York: J.C. Totten. Microfilm 12235 Library has: 1830-1832 |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. North Carolina Conference. Minutes of the North Carolina annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in America. Hartford: E.H. Hill, publisher, (Hartford: Press of Case, Lockwood and Co.) Microfilm 12226 Library has: 42nd (1865) |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Philadelphia and Baltimore Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Philadelphia and Baltimore annual conference of the African, Methodist, Episcopal, Zion Church. Pittsburgh: J. Pope. Microfilm 12204 Library has: 54th (1882) |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Virginia Conference. Minutes of the ... session of the Virginia annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Petersburg, Va.: Presses of Frank A. Owen. Microfilm 12226 Library has: 42nd (1907) |
The Amistad: a journal of good news. Atlanta, Ga.: Amistad Publishing Company Microfilm 12249 Location has: v.12:no.3-v.15:no.3 (Mar.1934-Mar.1937); [n.s.], v.1-2: no.5 (Oct. 1937-May 1938): [Lacks: Apr., Aug.1935; Mar., July, Aug., Nov.-Dec.1936; Feb.1937] |
Ancient York Masons. Palmetto Grand Lodge. Minutes of the annual communication of the M.W. Palmetto Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons (national compact) of all legitimate Masons (colored) in and for the state of South Carolina. Orangeburg, S.C.: Claflin Press. Microfilm 12273 Library has: 6th-10th (1903-1907): [Lacks: 7th-9th] |
The Annual record of the Connectional Sunday-School Union of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. [S.l.]: Published by the Union, 1884-. Microfilm 12195 Location has: 1st no. (1884) |
Annual report of the Executive Committee of the Institute for the Training of Colored Ministers, at Tuskaloosa, Alabama, to the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Tuskaloosa, Ala.: Institute for the Training of Colored Ministers. Microfilm 12211 Location has: 14th (1891) |
Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) The ... annual report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. Philadelphia: printed for the Association by J. Rakestraw, 1837-1891. Microfilm 12265 Location has: 1st-55th (1837-1891) |
Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) The annual report of the Shelter for Colored Children. [Cheyney, Pa.? Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans], 1935-1945. Microfilm 12267 Location has: 99th-109th (1935-1945) [Lacks: 100th] |
Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) The annual report of the Shelter for Colored Girls. [Cheney, Pa.?: Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans], 1946-. Microfilm 12268 Location has: 110th-114th (1946-1950): [Lacks: 112th] |
Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) The annual report of the Shelter for Colored Orphans. Philadelphia: WM. H. Pile’s Sons, Printers, 1892-1934. Microfilm 12266 Location has: 56th-98th (1892-1934): [Lacks: 67th: p.13-14; 78th, 97th] |
Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans (Cheyney, Pa.) Report of the Association for the Care of Coloured Orphans. Philadelphia: W. Brown, Printer, 1836. Microfilm 12264 Library has: 1st (1836) |
Asylum for the Colored Insane of North Carolina. Report of the board of directors and superintendent of the Asylum for the Colored Insane of North Carolina. Goldsboro, N.C.: Asylum for the Colored Insane of North Carolina., (Messenger Power Press Print.). Microfilm 12323 Library has: 1880 |
Baptist Educational, Missionary and Sunday School Convention of South Carolina. Minutes of the Baptist Educational, Missionary and Sunday School Convention of South Carolina. Charleston, S.C.: A.J. Burke, 1877. Microfilm 12261 Library has: 1877 |
Baptist Educational, Missionary and Sunday School Convention of South Carolina. The ... anniversary of the Baptist Educational, Missionary and Sunday-School Convention of South Carolina. Microfilm 12261 Location has: 2nd-13th (1878-1889): [Lacks: 6th-12th] |
Bethany Mission for Colored Children. Annual report of Bethany Mission for Colored Children. Microfilm 12320 Location has: 3rd (1860); 14th-29th (1872-1886): [Lacks: 15th-17th, 20th-22nd, 24th-26th, 8th] |
Beulah Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Beulah Baptist Association. Littleton, N.C.: True Reformer Print. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 4th (1906) |
Big Creek Association (Tenn.) Annual session. Big Creek Association. Martin, Tenn.: Cayces & Turner. Microfilm 12322 Location has: 26th (1906) |
Catto, Octavius V., 1839-1871. Our alma mater [microform] : an address delivered at Concert Hall on the occasion of the twelfth annual commencement of the Institute for Colored Youth, May 10th, 1864. Philadelphia: C. Sherman, Son & Co., printers, 1864. Microfilm 12341 Library has: 1864 |
Central Lunatic Asylum for Colored Insane, Virginia. Report of the Board of Directors and Medical Superintendent of the Central Lunatic Asylum for Colored Insane, Virginia, for the year ... Richmond: R.F. Walker. Microfilm 12278 Library has: 1871/1872; 1877/1878 |
Chestnut Knob District Primitive Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Chestnut Knob District Primitive Baptist Association. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12322 Library has: 27th (1907) |
Cheyney Training School for Teachers. Annual report of the Cheyney Training School for Teachers (Institute for Colored Youth). [Cheyney, Pa.? : s.n.], 1913-. Microfilm 12340 Location has: 75th-81st (1913-1919): [Lacks: 76th-77th, 80th] |
Christ Methodist Episcopal Church (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Year book, Christ Methodist Episcopal Church. Pittsburg: Davis & Warde. Microfilm 12188 Library has: 1903/1904 |
The Christian Intelligencer. [S.l. : s.n., 1829] Microfilm 12251 Library has: v.1 (1829) |
The Christian Intelligencer,and Evangelical Guardian. [S.l.: s.n., 1830-1843] Microfilm 12252 Library has: v.2-13 (1830-1843): [Lacks:v.2: p.342-352] |
Christiansburg Industrial Institute. Catalogue of the Christiansburg Industrial Institute. [Cambria, Va.?]: Institute Press Print. Microfilm 12319 Location has: 1897/1898-1907/1908 [Lacks: 1899/1900, 1901/02, 1904/05, 1906/07] |
The churchman’s record of the Colored Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Georgia. Savannah, Ga.: [s.n.] Microfilm 12203 Library has: Oct.-Nov. 1919, Apr. 1920 |
Circular of the Gammon School of Theology. Atlanta, Ga.: Clark University Press Microfilm 12329 Library has: 1885/1886 |
Colored Disciples of Christ. General Assembly. Minutes of the proceedings of the ... General Assembly of the Colored Disciples of Christ in eastern North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12245 Library has: 9th (1945) |
Colored Home and Hospital (New York, N.Y.) Annual report of the Colored Home and Hospital. [New York: s.n.], 1880- (New York: S. Angell) Microfilm 12197 Location has: 46th-57th (1885/86-1896/97) [Lacks: 40th-44th, 47th-49th, 52nd-54th, 56th] |
The Colored messenger. Techny, Ill.: Mission Press, 1916-1917. Microfilm 12253 Library has: v.1-2 (1916-1917) |
Colored Presbyterian. Nashville, Tenn.: S. Jackson, H.A. Cameron. Microfilm 12263 Library has: v.1: no.40 (Feb. 24, 1904) |
Colored Teachers State Association of Texas. Meeting (1925: Dallas, Tex.) Minutes of the Colored Teachers’ State Association of Texas: November 26, 27, 28, 1925. Booker T. Washington High School, Dallas Texas. Houston, TX: Colored Teachers’ State Association of Texas, 1925. Microfilm 12327 Library has: 1925 |
Colored Teachers State Association of Texas. Meeting. Minutes of the Colored Teachers State Association of Texas: November 25, 26, 27, 1926, Colored High School, Waco, Texas. Houston, TX: Colored Teachers State Association of Texas, 1926. Microfilm 12328 Library has: 1926 |
Colored Teachers’ State Association of Texas. Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Colored Teachers’ State Association of Texas and the Principals’ Division. Marlin, Tex.: Democrat Print. Microfilm 12326 Library has: 14th-20th (1898-1904): [Lacks: 15th, 18th-19th] |
Colored Western Disciples of Christ. Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Western Disciples of Christ, Colored. Goldsboro, N.C.: Nash Brothers. Microfilm 12245 Library has: 10th (1930) |
Colored Woman’s League of Washington, D.C. Annual report of the Colored Woman’s League of Washington, D.C. [Washington D.C.]: F.D. Smith Microfilm 12315 Location has: 4th-5th (1897-1898) |
Constitution, by-laws and rules of Home for Aged Infirm Colored Persons: also the proceedings of the ... annual meeting. Philadelphia: Merrihew & Son, printers, 1865-1867. Microfilm 12333 Library has: 1st-3rd (1865-1867) |
County Line Primitive Baptist Association. Minutes of Country Line Primitive Baptist Association. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12322 Library has: 1907 |
Cypress Creek Association of Primitive Baptists. Annual session, Cypress Creek Association of Primitive Baptists. Martin, Tenn.: Cayces & Turner Microfilm 12322 Location has: 35th (1906) |
The educator. Baltimore, Md.: Industrial Dept. of the Centenary Biblical Institute, 1886-1888. Microfilm 12284 Library has: Oct.1886-Sept.1888 |
Episcopal Church. Commission of Home Missions to Colored People. Annual report of the Commission of Home Missions to Colored People. [New York: Commission of Home Missions to Colored People] Microfilm 12198 Location has: 7th-12th (1872-1876/77) |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Georgia. Council of Colored Churchmen. Journal of the ... annual Council of Colored Churchmen, Diocese of Georgia. Brunswick, Ga.: Wrench Printing. Microfilm 12207 Library has: 3rd-18th (1909-1923): [Lacks: 4th?] |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Georgia. Council of Colored Churchmen. Journal of the ... annual session of the Council of Colored Churchmen in the Diocese of Georgia. [S.l.]: Savannah Journal Print, 1924-. Microfilm 12208 Library has: 19th-27th (1924-1932) |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Tennessee. Convocation of the Colored Churchmen. Proceedings of the ... Convocation of the Colored Churchmen in the Diocese of Tennessee. Sewanee, Tenn.: University Press at the University of the South. Microfilm 12263 Library has: 4th-5th (1910-1911) |
Episcopal Church. Diocese of Tennessee. Convocation of the Colored Churchmen. Proceedings of the ... annual Convocation of the Colored Churchmen, Diocese of Tennessee. Memphis, Tenn.: Edw. S. Snelling Printing. Microfilm 12263 Library has: 8th (1914) |
The Evangelical guardian. [Rossville, Ohio: J.M. Christy, 1843-. Microfilm 12254 Library has: v.1-4:no.7 (1843-Dec. 1846) [Lacks: v.1: p.97-240, 385-396] |
Friends’ Association of Philadelphia and its Vicinity, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen. Executive Board. Annual report of the Executive Board of the Friends’ Association of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen. Philadelphia: Ringwalt & Brown, 1866-. Microfilm 12286 Location has: 3rd-8th (1866-1871) [Lacks:6th-7th] |
Friends’ Association of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen. Executive Board. Report of the Executive Board of the Friends’ Association of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen. Philadelphia: C. Sherman, 1864-1865. Microfilm12285 Library has: 1st-2nd (1864-1865) |
Gammon Theological Seminary. Catalog ... of Gammon Theological Seminary. Atlanta, Ga.: [s.n.], 1919-1921. Microfilm 12332 Location has: v.27-28 (1919-1921) |
Gammon Theological Seminary. Catalogue of Gammon School of Theology. Atlanta, Ga.: Clark University Press, 1888-1891. Microfilm 12330 Location has: 1888-1891 |
Gammon Theological Seminary. Quarterly bulletin. Atlanta, Ga.: [s.n.], 1891-1918. Microfilm 12331 Library has: 1891-1918: [Lacks: v.19: no. [4]: p.3-8] |
Georgia African Methodist of the African Methodist Church. Atlanta, Ga.: Sixth Episcopal District, AME Church. Microfilm 12188 Library has: v.15:no.3 (Mar.1950) |
General Primitive Baptist State Convention of Texas. Proceedings of the organization of the General Primitive Baptist State Convention of Texas. Austin: T.E. Whitley. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 1906 |
The gold dollar. Austin, Tex.: Jacob Fontaine. Microfilm 12255 Library has: Aug. 1876 |
Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons (Chicago, Ill.) Annual report of the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored People. [Chicago, Ill.: s.n.] Microfilm 12318 Location has: 1st; 24th-27th (1898, 1916/1917-1919/1920) |
Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons (Philadelphia, Pa.) Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons: also, the act of incorporation and rules, with list of officers. Microfilm 12335 Location has: 10th-52nd (1874-1916) [Lacks: 30th-32nd, 35th-39th, 41st-43rd, 45th-48th, 50th] |
Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons (Philadelphia, Pa.). Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, held ...: also the act of incorporation, by-laws and rules, with list of officers. Philadelphia: Merrihew & Son, printers, 1868-1873. Microfilm 12334 Library has: 4th-9th (1868-1873) |
House of St. Michael and All Angels. Annual report of the House of S. Michael and All Angels for Young Colored Cripples. Philadelphia: House of St. Michael and All Angels for Young Colored Cripples, 1887-. Microfilm 12316 Location has: 1st-17th (1887-1903): [Lacks:3rd-5th,6th-7th,9th-15th] |
Indian Creek Primitive Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Indian Creek Primitive Baptist Association. Huntsville, Ala.: Dickson Print. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 36th (1906) |
Industrial Home for Colored Girls (Baltimore, Md.) Board of Managers. Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Industrial Home for Colored Girls of Baltimore City. Microfilm 12317 Location has: 4th-33rd (1886-1916) [Lacks: 6th, 12th, 19th-29th, 31st-32nd] |
Industrial Home School for Colored Girls (Peaks, Va.) Annual report of the Industrial Home School for Colored Girls. Peake’s Turnout, Va.: [s.n.], 1916-1920. Microfilm 12199 Location has: 1st-5th (1916-1920) |
The informant. North American Negro Department. Microfilm 12270 Library has: Jan.1942; July, Sept., Dec.1943 |
Institute for Colored Youth (Philadelphia, Pa.) Annual commencement of the Institute for Colored Youth at Association Hall. Microfilm 12342 Location has: 24th-41st (1879-1896) [Lacks: 25th-33rd, 35th-36th, 38th] |
Institute for Colored Youth (Philadelphia, Pa.) Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Institute for Colored Youth. Philadelphia: Ringwalt & Brown, Steam-Power Book and Job Printers, 1867-. Microfilm 12338 Location has: 15th-51st (1867-1903) [Lacks: 35th, 40th, 46th: p.7-8] |
Institute for Colored Youth (Philadelphia, Pa.). The fourteenth annual commencement exercises of the Institute for Colored Youth will take place fifth and sixth days, eleventh mo. 1st and 2d (Thursday and Friday, November 1st and 2d). [S.l.: s.n.], 1866. Microfilm 12341 Library has: 14th (1866) |
Institute for Colored Youth (Philadelphia, Pa.). The ninth annual examination of the classes of the Institute for Colored Youth will take place Friday, May 3, 1861, at the Institute Building, 716 and 718 Lombard Street. [S.l.: s.n.], 1861. Microfilm 12341 Library has: 1861 |
Institute for Colored Youth (Philadelphia, Pa.) Objects and regulations of the Institute for Colored Youth, with a list of the officers and students, and the annual report of the Board of Managers. Philadelphia, Pa.: Merrihew & Thompson, Printers. Microfilm 12336 Library has: 1860 |
Institute for Colored Youth (Philadelphia, Pa.) Objects of the Institute for Colored Youth, with a list of the officers and students, and the annual report of the Board of Managers. Philadelphia, Pa.: C. Sherman & Son, Printers, 1861-1866. Microfilm 12337 Library has: 1861-1866: [Lacks: 1863-1864] |
Institute for Colored Youth at Cheyney. Annual report/ Institute for Colored Youth; by the Board of Managers. Microfilm 12339 Location has: 1905-1912: [Lacks: 1906-1907] |
Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Annual report of the Trustees and Superintendent of the Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Austin: B. Jones, State Printers, 1901. Microfilm 12303 Location has: 9th-14th (1896-1901) |
Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Annual report of the Board and Superintendent of the Institute for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Microfilm 12304 Location has: 15th-25th (1902-1912); Lacks:16th,18th,20th,22nd,24th] |
Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Report of the Trustees and Superintendent of the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Colored Youth of the State of Texas. Austin: Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas, 1888-1889 (Austin: State Printing Office). Microfilm 12300 Library has: 1887/1888-1888/1889 |
Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Report of the Trustees and Superintendent of the Asylum for Deaf and Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Austin: Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas, 1890- (Austin: State Printing Office). Microfilm 12301 Library has: 1889/1890 |
Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Report of the Trustees and Superintendent of the Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas. Austin : Institute for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Colored Youths of the State of Texas (Austin : B. Jones, State Printers). Microfilm 12302 Library has: 9th-14th (1896-1901) |
Lake Mohonk Conference on the Negro Question. Mohonk Conference on the Negro Question: [proceedings]. Boston: G. H. Ellis, 1890-1891. Microfilm 12287 Library has: 1st-2nd (1890-1891) |
Lincoln Hospital and Home (New York, N.Y.) Annual report of the Lincoln Hospital and Home. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1901/02-. Microfilm 12200 Location has: 76th-83rd (1915-1922): [Lacks: 78th-80th] |
Little River Primitive Baptist Association (Colored). Minutes of the ... annual session of the Little River Primitive Baptist Association Colored. Goldsboro, N.C.: Nash Bros. Microfilm 12204 Library has: 40th, 44th, 47th, 51st-52nd (1910,1915, 1917, 921-1922) |
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Committee on the Negro and Aborigines Funs. Negro and Aborigines Fund report. London: E. Newman & S. Darton, printers. Microfilm 12236 Library has: 1846-1853: [Lacks:1847, 1851] |
Macedonia Baptist Sunday School Convention. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Macedonia Baptist Sunday School Convention. Aiken, S.C.: Shofield Norman & Industrial School Press. Microfilm 12275 Library has: 3rd, 9th (1889, 1884) |
Methodist Prostestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1939). Colorado Texas District, Colored. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Colorado, Texas, Colored District of the Methodist Protestant Church. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12217 Library has: 22nd (1899) |
Methodist Prostestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1939). Colorado Texas District, Colored. Minutes of the ... Annual Conference of the Colorado, Texas District (Colored) of the Methodist Protestant Church. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12213 Library has: 36th (1913) |
Methodist Prostestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1939). Colorado Texas District, Colored. Minutes of the ... annual session of Colorado, Texas District (Colored) of the Methodist Protestant Church. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12232 Library has: 40th (1918) |
Methodist Prostestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1939). Colorado Texas District, Colored. Minutes of the ... Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, Colorado-Texas District (Colored). [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12214 Library has: 45th, 48th (1923, 1926) |
Methodist Prostestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1939). Colorado Texas (Colored) Conference. Annual minutes of the ... session of the Colorado Texas (Colored) Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church. Microfilm 12194 Location has: 57th (1935) |
Methodist Protestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1939). Colorado Texas (Colored) Conference. Proceedings of the ... annual session of the Colorado Texas (Colored) Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church. [S.l.: s.n.], 1936-. Microfilm 12242 Library has: 58th-59th (1936-1937) |
Methodist Protestant Church. (U.S.: 1830-1939). Georgia Conference (Colored). Minutes of the ... session of the Georgia Annual Conference, Methodist Protestant Church (Colored). Atlanta, Ga.: Press of Reynolds, -1887. Microfilm 12280 Library has: 8th-10th (1885-1887) |
Methodist Prostestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1939). Georgia Conference (Colored). Minutes of the ... annual session of the Georgia Colored Methodist Protestant Conference. [S.l.]: Advance Ptg. Co. Microfilm 12281 Library has: 35th (1913) |
Methodist Protestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1839) Georgia Conference (Colored). Minutes of the session of Georgia Annual Conf. of Methodist Church Colored, Georgia. Atlanta, Ga.: Herald Pub. Co. Microfilm 12282 Library has: 38th (1916) |
Methodist Prostestant Church (U.S.: 1830-1939). Georgia Conference (Colored). Minutes of the ... annual session of the Methodist Protestant Annual Conference (Colored) of Georgia. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12283 Library has 40th (1918) |
Middle Baptist Association of North Carolina. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Middle Baptist Association of North Carolina. Henderson, N.C.: P.T. Jones. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 17th (1906) |
Minutes of the ... Annual Convention of the Colored Churches of Christ. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12245 Library has: 65th (1936) |
Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia. Minutes of the Missionary Baptist Convention of the State of Georgia. Atlanta, Ga.: J.P. Harrison. Microfilm 12225 Library has: 1876-1878 |
Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia. Minutes of the ... Annual Meeting of the Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia and of the Missionary Baptist Sunday School Convention of Georgia. Augusta, Ga.: Georgia Baptist Book and Job Print, -1882. Microfilm 12231 Library has: 12th (1882) |
Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia. Augusta, Ga.: Georgia Baptist Publishing Co., 1883-. Microfilm 12233 Library has: 12th (1882) |
Mississippi River United Primitive Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Mississippi River United Primitive Baptist Association. Holly Springs, Miss.: South Print. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 22nd (1906) |
Mount Calvary Primitive Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Mount Calvary Primitive Baptist Association. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12322 Library has: 17th (1907) |
Negro Commission bulletin. [New York, NY: Negro Commission, National Committee, C.P., U.S.A.] Microfilm 12188 Library has: June/July 1937; June 1939 |
New England Baptist Missionary Convention. Minutes of the ... annual session of the New England Baptist Missionary Convention. Cambridge, Mass.: W. Grandison, Printer. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 32nd (1906) |
The Non-slaveholder. Westport, Conn.: Negro Universities Press, 1970. Microfilm 12314 Library has: v.1-5 (1846-1850); n.s., v.1-2 (1853-1854) |
The North American informant. Washington, D.C.: General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1946-. Microfilm 12271 Library has: 1946-1951: [Gaps] |
North-western Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the North-western Baptist Association. Augusta, Ga.: Georgia Baptist Book Print. Microfilm 12274 Library has: 7th (1884) |
Philadelphia Association for the Protection of Colored Women. Annual report/ Philadelphia Association for the Protection of Colored Women. Microfilm 12277 Library has: 1919/1920, 1922
Philadelphia Association for the Protection of Colored Women. Report of ... year’s work. [Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n.] Microfilm 12276 Library has: 4th-11th (1908-1915): [Lacks: 9th: p.6; 10th]
Piedmont District (Colored) Primitive Baptist Association. Piedmont District (Colored) Primitive Baptist Association: [minutes]. Laurel Fork, Va.: Messenger of Truth Print. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 1907
The Plantation Missionary. Oberlin, Ohio: Northern Office, 1890-. Microfilm 12240 Library has: v.1-29 (1890-1918): [Lacks: v.3: no. 1, 4-6]
Primitive Baptist Antioch Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Primitive Baptist Antioch Association. [S.I.: s.n.] Microfilm 12322 Library has: 16th (1905)
Providence Primitive Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Providence Primitive Baptist Association. Mexia, Tex.: Banner Publishing Co. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 32nd (1907)
Reports of the board of directors and superintendents of the state hospitals for the insane at Raleigh, Goldsboro and Morganton, North Carolina. Raleigh, N.C.: Edwards & Broughton Printing Co., State Printers, 1918-1921. Microfilm 12325 Library has: 1918-1920
The Richard Allen monthly. Nashville, Tenn.: African Methodist Episcopal Sunday School Union, 1916-. Microfilm 12288 Library has: v.1 (1916): [Lacks: v.1: no.2-11]
The Savior’s call. St. Nazianz, Wis.: Society of the Divine Savior, 1923-1954. Microfilm 12269 Library has: v.1-32 (1923-1954)
School for the Instruction of the Colored Deaf, Dumb, and Blind (New York State). Semi-annual report of the School for the Instruction of the Colored Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. Buffalo: Commercial Advertiser Steam Press, 1858-. Microfilm 12260 Library has: 1st (1858)
Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons of Baltimore City. Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons of Baltimore City. Baltimore: Steam Press of W.K. Boyle, 1883- Microfilm 12196 Location has: 1st-54th (1883-1936) [Lacks: 50th, 52nd]
Shelter for Orphans of Colored Soldiers and Friendless Colored Children (Baltimore, Md.) Annual report of the Shelter for Orphans of Colored Soldiers and Friendless Colored Children. Baltimore: printed by Daugherty, Maguire & Wright, 1868-. Microfilm 12272 Location has: 1st-2nd (1868-1869)
Sinai Primitive Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Sinai Primitive Baptist Association. Mexia, Tex.: Banner Publishing Co. Microfilm 12322 Library has: 26th (1907)
Society for the Relief of Worthy Aged Indigent Colored Persons. Annual report of the Society for the Relief of Worthy Aged Indigent Colored Persons. New-York: M. Day, 1840-1843. Microfilm 12201 Location has: New-York: M. Day, 1840-1843.
Society for the Support of the Colored Home (New York, N.Y.) Annual report of the Society for the Support of the Colored Home. New York: Published for the Society by J.S. Taylor, 1844-1851. Microfilm 12202 Location has: 5th-11th (1844-1850/51)
Southern Christian Age. Selma, Alabama: [s.n.] Microfilm 12248 Library has: v.3:no.1-10 (Dec.27, 1900-Jan.4, 1902): Lacks:v.3 no.4,8]
Southern Christian Recorder. Nashville, Tenn.: A.M.E. Church. Microfilm 12299 Library has: v.2:no.13-v.14:no.49 (Mar.27, 1890-Feb.20, 1904): [with gaps]
The Southern Dial and African Monitor. Wetumpka, Ala.: [s.n.] Microfilm 12321 Library has: v.1:no.11 (Dec.1, 1858)
State Hospital (Goldsboro, N.C.) Report of the State Hospital at Goldsboro, N.C. Goldsboro, N.C.: State Hospital, 1903-1916. Microfilm 12324 Library has: 1902/1904-1916
Taylor Chapel A.M.E. Church (Bowling Green, Ky.) The bulletin, Taylor’s Chapel A.M.E. Church. Bowling Green, Ky.: Taylor Chapel. Microfilm 12250 Location has: v.1:no.2-31 (Jan.13-Nov.2,1924);n.s.,v.1:no.2-32 (Jan.9-Aug.7,1949):[Lacks:v.1:no.7,16,21,26;[n.s.],v.1:no.1,3,18,20,22]
Taylor Chapel A.M.E. Church (Bowling Green, Ky.) Monthly bulletin; Taylor Chapel AME Church. Microfilm 12250 Library has: v.2: no.1 (Sept.4, 1949)
The United Presbyterian and Evangelical Guardian. [Cincinnati: J.A. & U.P. James], 1847-1854. Microfilm 12256 Library has: v.1-7 (1847-1854)
Yadkin Colored Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... annual session of the Yadkin Colored Baptist Association. Ansonville, N.C.: Printed at the Hurricane Print. Office, Collier Cobb, proprietor, 1875-. Microfilm 12274 Library has: 1st (1875)
The Young Allenite. Nashville, Tenn.: [African Methodist Episcopal Church] Microfilm 12257 Library has: v.1:no.8; v.2: no.1 (Dec.1909; May 1910) |