News sources can be very useful for finding primary coverage of specific events, as well as feature articles and editorials related to your topic. For additional resources, be sure to consult the new page.
Contemporary News - U.S. & International (mid-1980s to present):
- Lexis Nexis Academic
Provides full text access to news from across the U.S. and around the world. Coverage of most newspapers goes back to the mid 1980s, but varies widely. Also provides access to business, legal, and medical journals, as well as corporate financial information. Click on News in the red bar to begin your search.
- NewsBank Full-Text Newspapers
Provides full-text of many major national and regional newspapers from the United States and around the world. Use the clickable map to select a country or state to search.
- Factiva
Database from Dow Jones & Reuters that provides full text access to various newspapers and news wire services.
- ProQuest Newspapers
Provides indexing and full text of the Wall Street Journal (back to 1984) and the New York Times (back to 1980) and abstracts only of USA Today (back to 1989).
- Google - News
Google News pulls together related headlines and photos from approximately 4,500 news sources worldwide, automatically arranging them to present the most relevant news first. Google News enables you to see how different news organizations around the world report the same events. Stories are updated continuously throughout the day, making this an especially useful source for breaking news.
- National Public Radio
NPR is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. The NPR web site provides a searchable, full-audio archive of programs, including All Things Considered, Morning Edition, Talk of the Nation, etc., going back to 1996. Transcripts are available on the site for purchase, but these are also available for free via Lexis-Nexis back to 1992.
- Public Broadcasting System
Here you can find pages highlighting the award-winning PBS news-related programs, including Frontline, POV, NOW, NewsHour, and NOVA. Transcripts, audio, and video files of previous broadcasts are available. Transcripts of NewsHour are also available via LexisNexis back to 1982. Podcasts and RSS are also available on this site.
- Vanderbilt University Television News Archive
The Television News Archive collection at Vanderbilt University is the world's most extensive and complete archive of television news dating back to August 1968. The collection holds more than 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts from the major U.S. national broadcast networks: ABC, CBS, NBC (1968- ), CNN (1995- ), PBS (2000- ), FOX (2003- ); more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming; and ABC's Nightline (1989- ). Access to TV-NewsSearch is free, but requires registration. You may request video segments (on loan only) for reference, study, classroom instruction and research for a fee. Important: the fees (up to a limit) are covered by our Interlibrary Loan Services, so contact a librarian if you need to obtain material from this collection before placing an order.
Historical News (back to mid-1800s):
- Historical New York Times (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)
Provides retrospective coverage of the New York Times going back to the first issue (1851-2004) in full text. Search by keywords and date.
- Historical Wall Street Journal (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)
Provides retrospective coverage of the Wall Street Journal going back to the first issue (1889-1990) in full text. Search by keywords and date.
- Historical Washington Post (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)
Provides retrospective coverage of the Washington Post going back to the first issue (1877-1991) in full text. Search by keywords and date.
- Reader's Guide Retrospective
This retrospective online version of the ever-popular Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature contains comprehensive indexing of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the U.S. between the years 1890-1982.
Foreign News (1975-present):
- Finding World Newspapers at Princeton
This is a very helpful guide compiled by our History Librarian Elizabeth Bennett that offers some guidance on locating foreign newspapers of interest.
- ABYZ News Links
ABYZ News Links is a portal to online news sources from around the world. It is primarily composed of links to newspaper pages but also includes links to many broadcast stations, internet services, magazines, and press agencies. Be aware that the actual news sources you will ulimately find are likely not to be in English.
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service Electronic Index
Provides indexing to the Daily Reports of the CIA's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. These reports include translated broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements from nations around the world. Search by keyword, region and date. This index only covers reports from 1975-1996, which are mostly available in microfiche with some in paper. Ask for help locating these reports at the Social Science Reference Center. For earlier material, contact me. For more recent material, see the World News Connection below.
- World News Connection
Continues coverage of the FBIS reports mentioned above from 1996 to present, and with full text. The search functions are similar (by keyword, region, and date) with a "latest headlines" feature for monitoring current news.