"This report examines the conditions of women’s engagement in the labour market, by estimating and analysing five key gaps, or gender differentials, between women and men which disadvantage women."
Annual report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes earnings by education, age, race, and Hispanic ethnicity.
"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires periodic reports from public and private employers, and unions and labor organizations which indicate the composition of their work forces by sex and by race/ethnic category. . . . Private employers with 100 or more employees or federal contractors with 50 more employees." Includes statistical tables (1996-2018)
"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission collects labor force data from state and local governments with 100 or more employees within 50 U.S. states and District of Columbia." Includes statistical tables (2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017)
Report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that "presents historical and current labor force and earnings data for women and men from the Current Population Survey (CPS)." Archives (2004-2019)
"Women in the Workplace is the largest comprehensive study of the state of women in corporate America. In 2015, McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.Org launched the study to help companies advance diversity in the workplace. Between 2015 and 2019, close to 600 companies took part in the study, and more than a quarter of a million people were surveyed on their workplace experiences. Now, in 2020, women in corporate America are facing a new challenge: the Covid-19 pandemic. This year’s report focuses on how the pandemic has affected women at work, including the unique impact on women of different races and ethnicities, working mothers, women in senior leadership, and women with disabilities. It also looks at the emotional impact of incidents of racial violence in this country on employees. Finally, it tracks the changes we’ve seen in women’s representation over the past six years and assesses how Covid-19 could disrupt those trends going forward".
Annual and trend statistics for participation and unemployment rates, earnings, industries, and education.
Special issue of the ILO's International Labour Review (Vol. 153, no. 2, 2014).
See the "Women in the workplace and women as business owners?" Library FAQ for additional resources.
Formed in 1973 to represent "low-wage women, women in traditionally female jobs, and those who've experienced any form of discrimination." [web site] Its advocacy addresses such issues as family-friendly workplace policies and eliminating workplace discrimination.
For 50 years, has conducted research to expand opportunities for women and business. Maintains a Knowledge Center containing resources about women in leadership, corporate governance, women of color/visible minorities, and other topics.
Among other things, the Center "addresses women’s advancement in the workplace and conducts cutting-edge research on successful public and workplace policies."
While their research agenda addresses gender inequality broadly, it includes such topics as dual-career academic couples, women in technology, and work-life balance
Since 1987, conducts research about women's issues, including employment, specifically pay equity, social security, paid time off, etc. Includes various reports on the status of women in states and other nations.
The Work & Family Policy Database (2011- ) identifies state bills and laws that address work and family issues. Preceded (2005/2006-2009) by the Work and Family Bills & Statutes Database from the Work and Family Researchers Network.
The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) is a non-partisan federal advisory council created to serve as an independent source of advice and counsel to the President, Congress, and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues of importance to women business owners.
Legal Momentum presents information about the Fund's programs on women and work including job opportunities, equity and poverty
Women at Work: Trends 2016 - The Women at Work report provides the latest ILO data on women’s position in labour markets, examines the factors behind these trends and explores the policy drivers for transformative change.