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SPIA Research Seminar - National Identities in Contemporary Democracies (and Autocracies)


Use a specific database for  a search that may be efficient and targeted. The databases are curated and follow a more standard format and a careful process to decide what literature to include. The databases search could be narrowed by subject, using the "Choose Subject" drop down menu. Choosing "Public & International Affairs" will highlight databases related to this subject. However, if your research topic relates to another field, you may want to check that field's databases as well. For example, if you are researching a politics related topic, you may want to consult politics databases as well. Databases that may be helpful for this task force include:

  • PAIS Index - Citations to articles, books, reports, and select government documents on U.S. and international public policy issue. Generally considered to be a comprehensive index to policy literature.
  • ProQuest Social Sciences - Cross searches more than 30 databases in the social sciences, including EconLit, Economist Intelligence Unit Country Reports Archive, GenderWatch, Index Islamicus, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA), PAIS International, and other databases covering criminal justice, education, political science, sociology, and more.
  • UN iLibrary - Brings together United Nations publications on a broad range of social and economic topics, usually covering a number of countries and with significant statistical content. Publications from about the last decade are included. Although the intention is to provide full text in pdf format for all titles, this is an ongoing project and full text is not yet included for some titles listed.
  • United Nations Digital Library - Includes UN documents, voting data, speeches, maps, and open access publications. The platform provides access to UN-produced materials in digital format and bibliographic records for print UN documents starting in 1979.
  • United Nations Official Document System - Provides full text of United Nations central agency parliamentary and working documents. Includes all of the six official UN languages in which a document was published.
  • Political Extremism in the Twentieth Century - Primary source material from far-right and fascist movements, alongside of radical leftist groups. Includes ephemera, election materials, government documents and oral histories from groups in the United States, Europe, and Australia including John Birch Society, Black Panther Party, Ku Klux Klan, LaRouche, anti-integration groups, neo-Nazis, Communist and anti-Communist groups, Christian Identity, British Union of Fascists, British National Party, and religious cults. Spans 1930s-21st century.

Think Tanks

  • Harvard Think Tank Search - Searches the websites of institutions that generate public policy research, analysis, and activity. These sites are affiliated with universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, and non-governmental organizations.