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Neuroscience Open Data Repositories


The repositories presented here are not a complete list of neuroscience repositories but represent a selection of repositories related to research conducted at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute


OpenNeuro is an open platform for analyzing and sharing neuroimaging data from human brain imaging research studies. Brain Imaging Data Structure ( BIDS) compliant database. Formerly known as OpenfMRI. Data archives to hold magnetic resonance imaging data. Platform for sharing MRI, MEG, EEG, iEEG, and ECoG data.

Type of data:  Neuroscience research data including MRI, MEG, EEG, iEEG, ECoG, ASL, PET 

Recommended by: NLM, NIH BRAIN Initiative


NeuroVault is a repository for storing and sharing unthresholded statistical maps, parcellations, and atlases produced by MRI and PET studies.

Type of data: MRI and PET statistical maps

Brain Image Library

Brain Image Library is a repository for confocal microscopy brain imaging data. Data archives that have been established by BRAIN Initiative Data Sharing. National public resource enabling researchers to deposit, analyze, mine, share and interact with large brain image datasets.

Type of data: Brain image data

Recommended by: NLM, NIH BRAIN Initiative

Brain Observatory Storage Service

The Brain Observatory Storage Service (BossDB)is a volumetric database for 3D and 4D neuroscience data. Database and Software Service for storing and sharing electron microscopy and x-ray microtomography data. Cloud-based data storage service with public data available directly from cloud storage or through our API in a number of formats. This Data archive was established under the IARPA MICrONS Program, and is supported by the BRAIN Initiative Informatics Program.

Type of data: multi-dimensional, volumetric neuroscience data

Recommenced by: NLM, NIH BRAIN Initiative