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Economics Collections at the Mudd Manuscript Library

The collections document economic activity and include the papers of important government officials and advisors, influential scholars, bankers and businessmen, and the records of for-profit and non-profit development and advocacy organizations.

World War I and World War II

These collections relate to United States policies during and after the first and second world wars, with most pertaining to World War II. The majority are papers of individuals from academia and the private sector who held posts in the United States government, in the War Department, the Treasury Department, and the State Department, developing policies, managing logistical supply and manpower issues during the wars, and addressing post-war reparations, aid, and economic policies. These include George W. Ball, Bernard M. Baruch, and Ferdinand Eberstadt. The collections also include the papers of individuals involved in international relief efforts, and the records of the Liberty Loan Committee, which raised funds during World War I.

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