Biographical profiles of the important and influential persons of Latino heritage who form the international Hispanic community.
Wide range of sources including both scholarly and popular articles about women, gender issues, and GLBT.
Wide-ranging resource focusing on the history and culture of Latinos in the United States. Includes ready-reference sources, full-text titles, photographs, primary sources, and links to important web sites.
Provides full text of biographies, bibliographies, literary criticism, and other resources on authors of all categories and eras.
Provides citations to articles, books, book chapters, and dissertations on all aspects of modern literature, language, and linguistics.
Policy Commons preserves and provides access to more than 30 million pages of curated policy reports and briefs, analyses, working papers, books, case studies, tables, charts, media, and statistical publications created by 25,000 policy organizations (NGOs, IGOs, foundations, think tanks, government agencies, etc.) from around the world. Platform provides multiple filters and advanced searching operators.
Access to citations and abstracts for every title in the Dissertation Abstracts database. Dissertations written from 1997 forward are available full text with select ones available full text prior to this period.. The database includes citations to dissertations from 1861 to those accepted last semester. Citations for dissertations and master's theses published from 1980 forward have abstracts. Some simple bibliographic citations are available for dissertations dating from 1637.