Answered By: Bobray Bordelon
Last Updated: Feb 04, 2025     Views: 3715

  • EIU Viewpoint provides forecasts for many countries. 
  • World Economic Outlook Database. The Historical Forecasts database has 2 years of historical and 6 years of forecasted data for cpi, gdp and current account going back to the 1990s.
  • OECD Outlook: Statistics and Projections has archived versions back to 1967.  Forecasts are short term. Includes the OECD economies, covering expenditures, foreign trade, output, labor markets, interest and exchange rates, balance of payments, and government debt. For the non-OECD regions, foreign trade and current account series are available. It also comprises statistics on demand and gross domestic product (GDP), deflators and prices, general government accounts, households and business sectors, labor market, financial data, foreign exchange market, balance of payments, supply block, oil market and other raw materials.
  • Haver Analytics (located on the restricted workstations located near Firestone A-13-J.), Stokes Library, and Engineering Library). Also see Haver Excel User Manual, Downloading Instructions, and Haver Excel Options. Princeton subscribes to 3 families of Haver forecasting services:
  • Blue Chip Current and Historical Economics Indicators.  Includes forecasts for the USA back to 1976.
  • FOCUS ECONOMICS CONSENSUS. Contains consensus economic & financial forecast databases from FocusEconomics for 67 countries. Annual forecasts with a 5-year horizon are updated each month for over 25 concepts. Total number of respondents, and median, maximum, & minimum values for the 12 most important indicators are included. Quarterly forecasts are available for select countries & indicators. The historical databases offer monthly "as reported" forecasts for 12 economic indicators. FocusEconomics began their forecasts with Latin America and provide historical forecasts back to January 2002. Historical forecasts for Asia begin in 2005, Eastern Europe in 2006 and Major Economies in 2010.
  • FX4casts CONSENSUS. Consensus economic and financial forecasts for global currencies, interest rates & economic indicators from FX4casts. FX4CASTS provides forecasts with actual historical values, while FX4CE presents "as-reported" forecasts. Includes 1, 3, 6, 12 & 24-month forecasts for 32 major currencies updated weekly and monthly, and for 43 minor currencies updated monthly. Monthly confidence intervals, forward rates and interest rate forecasts are also provided. Also includes annual forecasts updated monthly for inflation, real GDP, and the current account. FX4casts has compiled monthly forecasts since 1984 based on responses from contributors in 45 authoritative financial organizations located worldwide. Subscription includes FX4casts' monthly issues & weekly updates with forecasts and forward-looking analysis for 32 countries.


  • ProQuest Statistical Insight includes forecasts from Oxford Economics for countries and industries.
  • Bloomberg has forecasts. (examples for Japan)
  • Consensus Economics undertakes monthly and bi-monthly surveys of over 350 prominent economists to obtain their 2 year forecasts and views on most nations. The forecasts are normally updated monthly, around the middle of the month, except for Latin American countries which are updated every two months. For more information, enter 150Z 83 in the "Program Number" area in the main window.  Only limited series are included in our Datastream subscription.  Previous 4 years only retained.
  • Also see the Livingston Survey.  The Livingston Survey was started in 1946 by the late columnist Joseph Livingston. It is the oldest continuous survey of economists' expectations. It summarizes the forecasts of economists from industry, government, banking, and academia. The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia took responsibility for the survey in 1990.
  • Datastream includes the US GDPNow™ Forecast.  The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta provides continuous US GDP forecasts between releases, employing new methodologies called ‘nowcasts’. The data encompasses 55 series from the Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow™ data. Coverage provides aggregated statistical model forecasts of the 13 subcomponents that comprise the US GDP. Also included are indicators of timing – forecast period, last publication date, days to next release. The series are daily, as per the day on which forecast was made or changed, with history from 25 August 2011. The forecasts are re-evaluated and updated 6 to 7 times a month, following these US releases: Institute for Supply Management’s Manufacturing Report on Business; Census Bureau’s International Trade in Goods and Services, Wholesale Trade, Monthly Retail Trade Report, New Residential Construction, and Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturers; Personal Income and Outlays from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. GDPNow forecasts begin the weekday after the release of BEA’s advance estimate of GDP for the previous quarter. Also contained in the economics module of Datastream in WRDS.
  • Also see the Quick Answer for U.S. regional, state, and city economic data and forecasts.


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