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Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin: A Research Guide: Pushkin's Life

A guide to Princeton's resources on Russia's greatest poet.

Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837)

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Pushkin E-Resources at Princeton and Beyond

The Cambridge companion to Pushkin.  Ed. Andrew Kahn.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Essays on aspects of Pushkin's life and work by well-known Pushkin scholars.  Access is limited to members of the Princeton University community.  Also available in print: (F) PG3356 .C36 2006

Russian literature in the age of Pushkin and Gogol: poetry and drama.  Ed. Christine Rydel.  Detroit, Mich.: Gale Group, 1999.

Part of the Dictionary of Literary Biography series.  Includes a biographical/critical essay on Pushkin, together with a lengthy multipartite bibliography.  Access is limited to members of the Princeton University community.  Also available in print: (RCPPA) PN451 .D53 v.205

Pushkin on Pushkin in the Princeton University Library

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich.  Dnevniki, zapiski.  Izd. podgotovila Ia. L. Levkovich.  SPb: Nauka, 1995.  (ANXA) PG3350 .A5 1995

Includes all of Pushkin's diaries and jottings, together with an essay and commentary by the compiler.  Name index.  From the 'Literaturnye pamiatniki' series.

Pushkin, Alexander.  The working notebooks.  SPb; London: Pushkinskii dom; St. Petersburg Partnership Consortium, 1995-1997.  (Rare Books [Ex]) Oversize PG3355 .P87 1995q

Eight-volume edition of Pushkin's notebooks, including both facsimiles of the original manuscript and the text.  In Russian, with bilingual introductions.

Perepiska A. S. Pushkina v dvukh tomakh.  Sostavlenie i kommentarii V.Ė. Vatsuro.  M.: Khudozh. lit-ra, 1982.  (F) PG3345 .A1 1982

Pushkin's correspondence in a two-volume edition.

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich.  Pis'ma k zhene.  Izd. pdogotovila Ia. L. Levkovich.  L.: Nauka, 1986.  (ANXA) PG3345 .P87 1986

Pushkin's letters to his wife, collected in one volume.  From the 'Literaturnye pamiatniki' series.

The letters of Alexander Pushkin.  Tr. and ed. J. Thomas Shaw.  Madison, Wisc.: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1967.  (F) PG3347.Z5 S7 1967

Biographies and Appreciations of Pushkin in the Princeton University Library


Tsiavlovskii, M. A.  Letopisʹ zhizni i tvorchestva Aleksandra Pushkina.  M: Slovo, 1999-2005.  (F) PG3350 .T75 1999

Detailed, for the most part day-by-day chronology of Pushkin's life and work.  In four volumes, with a fifth supplementary volume of indices, extra material, and bibliography.

Veresaev, V. V.  Pushkin v zhizni.  The Hague: Mouton, 1969.  (F) PG3350 .V46 1969

Interesting biography of Pushkin told entirely through excerpts from documentary source materials (letters, reminiscences of contemporaries, images, etc.).  In two volumes; index for both volumes at the end of the second.  Facsimile reprint of the 1936 Sovetskii pisatel' edition.

Binyon, T. J.  Pushkin: a biography.  London: HarperCollins, 2002.  (F) PG3350 .B55 2002

The most recent English-language biography of Pushkin; aimed at a general, rather than a scholarly, audience.  Another relatively recent biography in English is Pushkin: the man and his age by Robin Edmonds (London: Macmillan, 1994) in Firestone: PG3350 .E356 1994.

Annenkov, P. V.  A.S. Pushkin: materīaly dlia ego bīografīi i otsienki proizvedenīĭ.  S.-Peterburg : Izdanīe Tovarishchestva "Obshchestvennaia polʹza, 1873.  (F) PG3350.A564 1873

Annenkov's was the first biographical work to be published about Pushkin.  The censorship of the time limited his ability to use the unique source material at his disposal in an effective way, but the book remains an important work.  This is a photocopy of the 1873 second edition; it is in pre-revolutionary script.  Also in Firestone is a 2007 reprint of the 1855 first edition in modern script, published as part of the 'IA liubliu Pushkina' series: PG 3350.A654 0207.

Brodskiĭ, N. L.  A. S. Pushkin, biografiia.   Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe izdatelʹstvo "Khudozhestvennaia literatura", 1937.  (F) PG3350 .B763 1937

Biography of Pushkin by well-known Soviet scholar Nikolai Leont'evich Brodskii, author of a famous Onegin commentary.

Mirsky, D. S.  Pushkin.  New York: Haskell House, 1974.  (F) PG3350 .M5 1974

Early biography of Pushkin in English by the distinguished Russian literary critic Prince D. S. Mirsky.

Troyat, Henri.  Pouchkine: biographie.  Paris: Pion, 1953.  (F) PG3350 .T7 1953

Popular biography of Pushkin by Russian-French academician Henri Troyat (born Lev Tarassov).  Controversial for its liberties, but amusing to read.  A good translation into English (by Nancy Amphoux) is in Firestone: PG3350 .T714 1970.

Tomashevskii, B. V.  Pushkin.  M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1956-1961.  (F) PG3356 .T6 1956

Two-volume biography of Pushkin, written by one of the editors of his collected works and issued by the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

Grossman, Leonid.  Pushkin.  M.: Molodaia gvardiia, 1958.  (F) PG3350 .G767 1958

Biography of Pushkin by a noted Soviet scholar; issued as one of the 'Zhizn' zamechatel'nykh liudei' series.


Pushkin, issledovaniia i materialy.  M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1956-  (F) PG3350.A1 A55 1956

Ongoing series of volumes of Pushkin research and source materials.  Princeton owns through 2004.

Pushkin v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov.  Sost. V. E. Vatsuro.  SPb: Akademicheskii proekt, 1998.  (F) PG 3351.P874 1998

Third enlarged edition of collected memoirs of Pushkin by his contemporaries.  In two volumes.  PUL also owns 1950 first edition: (F) PG3351.P874 1950

Bayley, John.  Pushkin; a comparative commentary.  Cambridge: University Press, 1971.  (F and ANXA) PG3356 .B395 1971

Analysis of Pushkin's poetry and drama (including Evgenii Onegin), attempting to put him into the Russian and larger European context.

Lotman, Iu. M.  Pushkin.  SPb: Iskusstvo SPB, 1995.  (F) PG3350 .L68 1995

Volume containing Lotman's biography of Pushkin (originally written for students), a selection of his essays and articles on Pushkin, and his famous commentary on Evgenii Onegin.

Dostoevskiĭ i Pushkin : rechʹ i statʹia F. M. Dostoevskogo.  Pod red. A. L. Volynskogo.  SPb: Parfenon, 1921.  (F) PG3350 .V659 1921

Text of the speech read by Dostoyevsky after the dedication of the Pushkin monument, together with an essay on Pushkin.

Akhmatova, Anna.  Anna Akhmatova o Pushkine: statʹi i zametki.  L.: Sov. pisatel', 1977.  (F) PG3350.Z8A38

Essays by Akhmatova on Pushkin's life and works.

Russian views of Pushkin.  Ed. and tr. D. J. Richards and C. R. S. Cockrell.  Oxford: W. A. Meeuws, 1976.  (F) PG3356.R8

Collection of famous Russian essays, critiques, and speeches on Pushkin and his legacy, translated into English.

The Pushkin handbook.  Ed. David Bethea.  Madison, Wisc.: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2005.  (F) PG3356.P818 2005

Bilingual collection of essays on Pushkin's life and work by eminent Pushkinists.