Scanners: There are 2 Library Project Workstations with web development, graphic, and project software coupled with large format flat-bed Epson scanner. The Library also has one BookScan Workstation designed specifically for the use of capturing content from books.
Printing: UES has a single printing workstation which prints documents doubled sided. There is no cost to print but users will need to queue and release their print jobs using their netids and passwords. Color printers are available in Frist, Firestone, and Marquand. Use of the Library's color printers requires setting up a special account. Color printing is also available from the University's Digital Print Center and OIT's New Media Center. Visitors holding access/borrowers cards may obtain printing logins and passwords in the Access Office of Firestone Library. For more information, see Printing in the Library: Visitors.
Large Format Printers: The Map and Geospatial Information Center in the Fine Hall Wing of Lewis Library has a large-format printer that can be used to reproduce print or digital maps from the Library's collection. Services for general large-format printing, such as posters, are available from the University's Digital Print Center.
Photocopiers: UES has one black and white photocopier. Students must purchase a copy card to use the photocopier; copy cards can be purchased at Frist or Firestone.