African-American Newspapers, 1827-1998
Full-text collection of African American newspapers printed across the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries selected from America’s Historical Newspapers.
Black Life in America (1704-present)
Curated content from digitized newspapers focusing on major themes in black history, including Curfews and ‘sundown’ notices; Antigua Slave Conspiracy; Dred Scott v. Sandford; Underground Railroad; Emancipation Proclamation; Ratification of the 13th Amendment; Buffalo soldiers; Mississippi Plan; Fisk Jubilee Singers; Plessy v Ferguson; Literacy tests and poll taxes; Sharecropping and tenant farming; Tuskegee Airmen; Church bombings; Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.; School desegregation; Election law and voters’ rights; Bob Jones University v. United States; Los Angeles Riots; Emmett Till Antilynching Act. A subset of America's Historical Newspapers and Access World News.
Ethnic NewsWatch (1960+)
Interdisciplinary, bilingual (English and Spanish), full text database of the newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press. Provides full text access to the Baltimore Afro-American (2003+), Chicago Defender (1989+), Cleveland Call & Post (1989+), Los Angeles Sentinel (1989+), Michigan Chronicle (2006+), and the New York Amsterdam News (1989+).
Provides full-text of Atlanta Daily World, Chicago Defender, Los Angeles Sentinel, Michigan Chronicle, New Pittsburgh Courier, and many other USA and international newspapers.
ProQuest African American Historical Newspapers
Coverage depends on the newspaper. Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003); Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988); Cleveland Call and Post (1934-1991); Chicago Defender (1910-1975); Los Angeles Sentinell (1934-2005); New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993); Norfolk Journal and Guide (1921-2003); Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002); Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001).
Vanderbilt University Television News Archive
Index to the most extensive and complete archive of television news.
Alt-Press Watch Full text alternative, radical and left periodicals, newspapers and magazines. Begins with 1991. Select the "Publications" tab for title-by-title coverage. Includes both U.S. & foreign titles; no way to limit to U.S. only.
Alternative Press Collection [microform]. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microforms International, 1989-. (ReCap) Microfilm S01161
An important collection of alternative newspapers and periodicals published from 1986-present. See also: Underground Newspaper Collection,1963-1985. MICROFILM S00846 Printed guide: (FilmB) Z6951.A473. Location: Microform Services on A-floor in Firestone Library.
AP Images (1840s+) Contains the current year's photo report from the Associated Press & a selection of more than 700,000 images from their negative & print library dating from the 1840s.
Afro Newspaper Morgue Collections
“The Afro Newspaper Morgue Collections were compiled by Afro employees assigned to the newspaper's "morgue" room. Whenever a story was completed, these employees meticulously filed away the materials related to the story, arranging them by subject matter. These materials often included photographs, many of which ran in the newspaper weekly, and others that did not make it to print. Also included were article clippings related to the designated subject and any other ephemera that could help Afro writers whenever they need supplementary information for stories.”
“Gado Images provides historical photo licenses and prints. Currently, the collection contains selections from the archives of the Afro American Newspapers. Many images are newly digitized, and many have never been published previously.”
Tuskegee Institute News Clippings File. Tuskegee Institute, Ala.: Division of Behavioral Science Research, Carver Research Foundation, [Sanford N.C.: Microfilming Corporation of America, 1976]
Microfilm 05488 Printed guide (FilmB) Z1361.N39xT8 1978. Microfilm is available in Microform Services on A-floor in Firestone Library.
Vanderbilt University Television News Archive
Index to the most extensive and complete archive of television news.
Black Dispatch (Oklahoma City, Okla.) 1917-1982 MICROFILM 12130
Miscellaneous Negro Newspapers Microfilm Series
A collection of over 200 newspapers published in thirty-one cities from 1829 to 1923. The Library of Congress microfilmed the original print papers, which were housed in various state historical societies, for the American Council of Learned Societies. Search for Miscellaneous Negro Newspapers in the Main Catalog to identify individual titles of newspapers. MICROFILM S01557 Location: Microform Services on c-floor in Firestone Library. Some titles in this series are available in digital format: African-American Newspapers, 1827-1998.
Underground Newspaper Collection, 1963-1985
Alternative and underground newspapers from the United States and Canada. A few titles from the 60s include Black Liberator (1969), Black Politics (1968-1969), Black Vanguard (some issues lack numbering and date), and Black Star. MICROFILM S00846 For holdings and access to reels see: (FilmB) Z6951.U4
Location: Microform Services on A-floor in Firestone Library.
Grafrica. East Orange, NJ: Grafrica Multi Media Inc. vol. 5, no. 16, May 2, 1982 – vol.5, no. 44, Nov. 14, 1982 (incomplete) LACKS: v. 5, no. 18-20, 22-25, 38 (Annex A, Forrestal) Oversize E185.5 .G723q
The National Leader. Philadelphia, PA: Publishers Enterprises National, c1982-1985. Vol. 1, no. 31 (Dec. 9, 1982)-v. 3, no. 6 (Jan. 1985) (incomplete) LACKS: v. 1, no. 37; v. 2, no. 42-52; v. 3, no. 3 (Annex A, Forrestal) Oversize E185.5 .N294f