Papers, [Microform] [Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin, Baron von, 1730-1794]
4 reels
Printed guide: none
Von Steuben was a key figure in the American revolution. "The collection includes correspondence, orders, memoranda, petitions, indentures, and writings on military topics by Baron von Steuben during his tenure as an officer of the American army." From originals in New York Historical Society. See and
Journals of the Contiental Congress
34 vols at KF4505 .U55 1904
digital version available through the Library of Congress
Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789
digital version available in (Browse -> Revolutionary War)
[also in microform]
204 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms Z1238.B87
From originals held by National Archives as part of Record Group 360, Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention. See
Miscellaneous papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-89 [microform]
9 reels
Printed guide: none
From originals held by National Archives as part of Record Group 360, Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention. See
Revolutionary War prize cases: records of the Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture, 1776-1787
RECAP: Use in Firestone Microforms only: PITN 372.922
13 reels
Printed guide: none
Records of the court appointed to hear appeals from state courts in cases of ships captured as prizes during the Revolutionary War, now in the U.S. National Archives. See
British pamphlets relating to the American Revolution [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 05543
49 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms E203.B74q
This collection reproduces pamphlets printed in Great Britain between 1764 and 1783; the pamphlets were selected from the list published in The American controversy: a bibliographical study of the British pamphlets about the American disputes, 1764-1783, Thomas R. Adams. Brown University Press ; New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1980. (Note: some of this material may also be found in Eighteenth-Century Collections Online.)
Sir Frederick Haldimand: unpublished papers and correspondence 1758-1784
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
"The official and private correspondence and papers of General Sir Frederick Haldimand, Commander of posts at Three Rivers, Pensacola and St. Augustine 1758-1777, Acting Commander in Chief in North America 1773-1774, and Governor of Quebec 1778-1784, from the British Library (Add. Mss. 21661-21892)."
Miscellaneous English manuscripts concerning the American Revolutionary War
22 reels
Printed guide: none
Consists of the papers of Lord George Germain at the University of Michigan ( and The papers of Lord George Germain; a brief description of the Stopford-Sackville papers now in the William L. Clements library [RECAP Oversize 1081.7975.11q] and a number of volumes of CO 5 (92-105; 175, 183-4, 238 & 263) relating to the war (from the British Colonial Office).