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South & East Asia: primary sources

World War II (Pacific theater)

Wartime translations of seized Japanese documents [microform]: Allied Translator and Interpreter Section reports, 1942-1946
Microfiche 1119
2212 microfiches
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms D767.2 .W37
An index to and reproduction of several large collections of translated Japanese documents, including diaries, military orders, maps, technical manuals, and reports based on interrogations of prisoners. On ATIS records in the National Archives, see 331.37 Records of Organizations of General Headquarters U.S. Army.

MAGIC documents [microform]: summaries and transcripts of the top secret diplomatic communications of Japan, 1938-1945
ReCAP - Use in Firestone Microforms only: Microfilm 00046
14 reels
For accompanying calendar, see (Firestone) DS888.25.C343; for accompanying index, see (Firestone) DS888.25.S82
Originals held at the National Archives, Record Group 457, Records of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service. See The documents in this collection are Japanese diplomatic communications intercepted and decoded by the U.S. See

Intelligence series [microform] / General Headquarters, Far East Command, Military Intelligence Section, General Staff
Microfilm 09149
10 reels
Printed guide: none
Originally published by the U.S. Army, this series describes intelligence activities in Asia under MacArthur, 1942-1950. Note that Microfilm 05680, A Brief history of the G-2 Section, GHQ, SWPA and affiliated units, is a useful introduction to this series.

Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [microform]
Microfilm 11959
142 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms UA23.G842
This collection "includes the intelligence gathering, military reporting, and various draft plans out of which U.S. military and political policy arose." The collection is organized geographically. On Asia: pt. 1. 1942-1945: [A] The Pacific theater (14 reels); pt. 2. 1946-1953 [C] The Far East (14 reels); pt. 3. 1954-1960: [A] The Far East (22 reels). Note that we also have the rest of this collection.

Intelligence Series: United States Far East Command, Military Intelligence Section [microform]
Microfilm 09149
10 reels
Printed guide: none
Reproduces originals in the Historical manuscript file, Office of the Chief of Military History.

U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific): interrogations of Japanese leaders and responses to questionaires, 1945-46. Firestone Microforms: COMPUTER FILE 680

U.S. Navy case files of Pacific area war crimes, 1944-1949 [microform]
Microfilm 11760
Printed guide:  none

U.S. occupation of Japan

Japan at War and Peace, 1930-1949 Archives Unbound
"This collection of U.S. State Department Central Classified Files relating to internal and foreign affairs contain a wide range of materials from U.S. diplomats."

Documents concerning the Allied occupation and control of Japan [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 06282
1 reel
Printed guide: none
Consists of v. 1. Basic documents.--v. 2. Political, military and cultural.--v. 3. Financial, economic and reparations.--v. 4. Commercial and industrial.--v. 5. Civil property.--v. 6. Aliens.

Educational reform in Japan, 1945-1952 [microform]
Microfiche 1584
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms LA1311.82 .E382
A selection of documents from U.S. and Japanese sources "that record the planning and implementation of educational reforms during the Occupation of Japan."

Framing the constitution of Japan [microform]: primary sources in English, 1944-1949
Microfiche 305
428 microfiches
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms DS889.15 .F73
A collection of documents "related to planning, drafting, enactment, and promulgation of the Constitution of 1947." The documents were drawn from various U.S. archives. Includes English translations of Japanese documents.

Occupation of Japan [microform]
Microfiche 1068
2087 fiches
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms DS889.16 .O33
"This microfiche collection makes available significant U.S. Government documents and some private papers ... related directly or indirectly to the U.S. occupation of Japan." Consists of Pt. 1. U.S. planning documents, 1942-1945 (487 fiches); pt. 2. U.S. and Allied policy, 1945-1952 (466 fiches); and pt. 3. Reform, recovery and peace, 1945-52 (1134 fiches)

The occupation of Japan [microform]. Economic reform
Microfiche 1613
1169 fiches
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HC462.9 .O328
Material from the Economic and Scientific Section of National Archives Record Group 331, Supreme Commander for Allied Powers (SCAP),, and of the Natural Resources section, Consists of: pt. 1. Deconcentration and modernization (651 fiches); pt. 2. Land reform, 1945-1952; Japan in the postwar world economy, 1945-1952 (518 fiches).

Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers historical monographs, 1945-1951 [microform]: history of the nonmilitary activities of the occupation of Japan, volumes 1-55
Microfilm 06412
13 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms DS889.16 .S86
Reproduces a series of reports written immediately after the occupation ended; the reports summarize the activities of the occupation and describe many aspects of life in Japan in this period.

U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific): interrogations of Japanese leaders and responses to questionaires, 1945-46.
Washington : National Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, 1991.
Firestone Microforms Services (FilmB)  COMPUTER FILE 680

Records of the Far Eastern Commission, 1945-1952 Archives Unbound

"All the activities of the multinational Far Eastern Commission (FEC), which oversaw the postwar governing and reconstruction of Japan, are fully documented in this publication. The establishment of FEC was decided upon in late December 1945 at the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers. It represented the Allied Powers led by the U.S., the U.K., China, and the U.S.S.R. as the top-level policy formulating body with regard to the occupation of Japan. The FEC was charged with the task of producing policies, principles, and criteria to which Japan would have to fully conform in order to implement the terms of surrender stipulated by the Potsdam Declaration." This collection duplicates: Records of the Far Eastern Commission, 1945-1952 [microform] Microfilm 08646 (167 reels)

Justin Williams, Sr. papers, 1945-1952 [microform]
Microfilm 11759
43 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms JQ1631 .G842
"Justin Williams, Sr. was chief of the Legislative Division (renamed Parliamentary Political Division in 1948) of the Government Section of SCAP from 1946-1952." From the Gordon W. Prange Collection at the University of Maryland at College Park.