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Art FAQ: Value of a work of art

Answers to Basic Information Questions at Marquand (Art) Library

I have a painting/sculpture/print in my attic/I bought a work of art at a sale, etc., and I want to know what it's worth.

We in the library are not in a position to determine the value of a painting/sculpture/drawing, etc., but have access to various sales indexes available on the list of art databases.

Alternatively, try the International Guide of Art Experts, Specialists and Catalogues Raisonnés, 2 vols., Ref. N50.K53 1993, or consult Art Market Research: A Guide to Methods and Sources, 2nd ed. by Tom McNulty, Ref N5200 .M39 2014.  Another suggestion would be to contact an appraiser via an organization such as those listed here.

Assistant Art Librarian

Profile Photo
Rebecca Friedman
she, her, hers
Firestone Library, A-15G
609-258-3163 or -3783
Subjects: Art & Archaeology