BioCyc Database Collection A collection of 13075 Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs), plus software tools for understanding their data. These tools for are used for navigating, visualizing, and analyzing the underlying databases, and for analyzing omics data. The BioCyc website provides a suite of software tools for database searching and visualization, for omics data analysis, and for comparative genomics and comparative pathway questions
HHMI Biointeractive At BioInteractive, you can find award-winning multimedia resources, including apps, animations, videos, interactives, and virtual labs, to bring the excitement of scientific discovery into your classroom. Our rich video resources range from a series of short films on evolution, hosted by an award-winning author-scientist, to lectures on the brain given by a Nobel-prize winner—all supplemented by teacher guides and classroom activities. Our team members include scientists, artists, and educational experts. Check out the many videos under Collections on this site of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. (Mainly considered to be AP Biology level.)