The Nianhua GalleryThe Nianhua Gallery features woodblock prints from the early Twentieth Century. According to the site "Most of the prints found on this site are reprints - meaning that they were printed in modern times from wooden printing blocks that were in use during the early part of the 20th century. The prints, therefore, date from the 1980s and 90s, but they do accurately reflect much older designs and themes. The prints originate with the traditional nianhua printing centres of Yangjiabu in Shandong province, Zhuxianzhen in Henan, Fengxiang in Shaanxi and Mianzhu in Sichuan." Includes sections on Making Nianhua; Stove Gods; Door Gods; Honor, Wealth, and Glory; Theater and History; Customs and Folklore; Auspicious Images; and New Nianhua. A bibliography is also provided. Edited by James E. Flath of the University of Western Ontario.