"The Complete Collection in Four Treasuries" electronic libraryThis collection has been published in CD-ROM form (combined image/full-text version: around 178 CD) by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Digital Heritage Publishing. Another CD-ROM version is being produced at the Modern China Language and Literature Institute, Shandong University, Chinese Information Engineering Research, c/o address: Mr.Wang Li, Department of Computer Science, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China, P.R.C. 250100. The size of this electronic library is about 100GB. It strives to keep the original style and features. It not only provides searching by volume, title or author, but it also provides displaying, printing, and the bookbinding in the original manuscript's pattern. The general catalog for "The Complete Collection in Four Treasuries", the Jing 經 section. and Shi 史 section have been finished. The remaining sections are in process. If you are interested, please send an E-Mail to: "wlzyx@public.jn.sd.cn."