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Classical Historiography for Chinese History

Research guide for Chinese Historiography

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  • The ICS Ancient Chinese Text Concordance Series 先 秦 兩 漢 古 籍 逐 字 索 引 叢 刊. Compiled by D.C. Lau 劉 殿 爵 & F.C. Chen 陳 方 正. Hong Kong: Shang wu yin shu guan, 1992. 12 vols, and also available on CD-ROM, including:
    • A Concordance to the Da Dai Liji 大 戴 禮 記 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Hanshi Waizhuan 韓 詩 外 傳 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Huainanzi 淮 南 子 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Kongzi Jiayu 孔 子 家 語 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Liji 禮 記 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Militarists (Wuzi, Simafa, Sunzi, yuliaozi) 吳 子/ 司 馬 法/ 孫 子/ 尉 繚 子 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Shangjunshu 商 君 書 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Shuoyuan 說 苑 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Wenzi 文 子 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Xinxu 新 序 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Yizhoushu 逸 周 書 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Zhanguoce 戰 國 策 逐 字 索 引.
  • Muller's CJK-English Character Dictionary: a CD-ROM dictionary designed with its own font set for all International versions of the Windows 95 operating system. The dictionary originally contained 6572 characters, and about 1400 compound words. It offers romanized readings (and lookup system) for all three major East Asian languages: Chinese (Pinyin), Korean, and Japanese. The dictionary is originally organized according to the traditional radical/stroke system in an Explorer-like tree arrangement. See:

Recently a significant update to the WWW CJK-English dictionary was completed. Many new compound words (over 1,000) have been added, along with numerous corrections of earlier data. The major enhancement is in hyperlinking:

  • 1. The CJK Dictionary and Dictionary of Buddhist Terms are now fully interlinked. Users of the Buddhism dictionary may quickly and easily check the non-Buddhist connotations and compounds associated with any given character. The same is true in the reverse direction.
  • 2. The characters in the CJK Dictionary are now linked to those in Rick Harbaugh's online Chinese character dictionary, the Zhongwen Zipu ( Although the same characters are found in both, the divergent emphases of the two lexicons ensures a great deal of complementarity. Harbaugh's dictionary also contains numerous modern compounds not found in Muller's work. The former will list the Mathews and Nelson's numbers, while the latter dictionary lists the Morohashi and Daejaweon numbers. Harbaugh's is also linked to the Cantonese pronunciation dictionary.
  • 3. All JIS-displayable characters and compounds which represent I-Ching hexagrams are linked to Chuck Polisher's I-Ching Lexicon (
  • The Multimedia I Ching: The I Ching or Book of Changes, from the original Wilhelm/Baynes Translation. New on CD-ROM. University Press, 1997.
  • Zhonghua bo shuo shi lun wen suo yin zhai yao jian suo guang die 中 華 博 碩 士 論 文 索 引 摘 要 檢 索 光 碟 (Chinese Dissertations Retrieval, 60,000 abstracts in Taiwan, PRC, Hong Kong, and USA and Canada, 1960 to present); National Central Library, National Taiwan Unversity Library.
  • Zhonghua Minguo chu ban tu shu mu lu guang die xi tong 中 華 民 國 出 版 圖 書 目 錄 光 碟 系 統 (Republic of China Chinese national bibliography on CD-ROM, for IBM PC compatible, 350,000 entries); National Central Library, National Taiwan Unversity Library.
  • 1870 Census of the United States. Proquest has published a CD Rom containing information from the 1870 Census on immigrants from Asia, including over sixty thousand entries for China. Contact