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Classical Historiography for Chinese History

Research guide for Chinese Historiography

Bibliographies for traditional Chinese science & medical texts

Mention should be made of the series of volumes in the 歷 代 中 醫 名 著 文 庫, published by 華 夏 出 版 社 in Beijing, which began publishing circa 1995. This project, organized by Ren Yingqiu, Ma Jixingg, and others, provides first-rate critical eds. of ancient texts (unfortunately in simplified chars.), with detailed critical notes and substantial, usually innovative, scholarly essays on the text. Some are detailed volume-length treatments of individual texts; so far there is the 醫 心 方 and 證 類 本 草. Other volumes are collections of texts of a given type. The one on acupuncture, entitled 針 灸 名 著 集 成, contains about a dozen important works, some extremely rare, and all in superior critical editions. For instance, the illustrations in two well-known works, 銅 人 俞 穴 針 灸 圖 經 (1026) and 針 灸 大 成 (1601) are far superior to those previously published; both, for instance, show skeletons as part of acupuncture figures.  

See also:

  • Cao Junbing 曹 君 炳 . Zhongguo yi xue da cheng zong mu ti yao 中 國 醫 學 大 成 總 目 提 要 . Shanghai: Shanghai da dong shu ju yin xing, 1936.
  • Ding Fubao 丁 福 保. Li dai yi ji shu mu 歷 代 醫 籍 書 目. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1910.
  • Guo Aichun 郭 靄 春 . Zhongguo fen sheng yi ji kao 中 國 分 省 醫 籍 考 (Chinese books on medicine by province). 2 vols. Tianjin: Xin hua shu dian, vol. 1: 1984, vol. 2: 1985.
  • Kuroda Genji 黑 田 源 次. Zhongguo yi xue shu mu 中 國 醫 學 書 目. Fengtian: Manzhou yi ke da xue: Zhongguo yi xue yan jiu shi, 1931. Reprint Taibei: Wen hai, 1971.
  • Ma Jixing 馬 繼 興 , et al. eds. Dunhuang gu yi ji kao shi 敦 煌 古 醫 藉 考 釋 (Ancient medical books from Dunhuang, with critical notations). Jiangxi ke xue ji shu chu ban she, 1988. Uses simplified characters.
  • ---. Zhong yi wen xian xue 中 醫 文 獻 學 (The study of Chinese medical literature). Shanghai: Ke xue ji shu chu ban she, 1990. Uses simplified characters.
  • Okanishi Tameto 岡 西 為 人, compiler. Xu Zhongguo yi xue shu mu 續 中 國 醫 學 書 目. Taibei: Wen hai chu ban she, 1971.
  • ---. Sung yi qian yi ji kao 宋 以 前 醫 籍 考. Beijing: Ren min wei sheng chu ban she.
  • Pregadio, Fabrizio. "Chinese Alchemy. An Annotated Bibliography of Works in Western Languages." Monumenta Serica 44 (1996): 439-73.
  • Qian Yuanming 錢 遠 銘 , et al. Jing shi bai jia yi lu 經 史 百 家 醫 錄 (Medical collection from the Hundred Schools in the Classics and Histories). Guangdong ke ji chu ban she, 1986.
  • Si bu zong lu yi yao pian 四 部 總 錄 醫 藥 編 (SBBY medical works). 3 vols. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1955.
  • Si ku ti yao yi jia lei 四 庫 提 要 醫 家 類. Medical works in the SKQS Catalog.
  • Taki Mototane (or Tamba no Mototane) 丹 波 元 胤 . Zhongguo yi ji kao 中 國 醫 籍 考. Beijing: Jen min chu ban she, 1956.
  • Xue Qinglu 薛 清 錄 , et al., eds. Quan guo Zhong yi tu shu lian he mu lu 全 國 中 醫 圖 書 聯 合 目 錄 (National Union Catalog of primary sources for Chinese medicine). Beijing: Zhong yi gu ji chu ban she, 1990. Uses simplified characters.
  • Zhou Yimou 周 一 謀 , & Xiao Zuotao 蕭 佐 桃. Mawangdui yi shu kao zhu 馬 王 堆 醫 書 考 注 (The Mawangdui medical texts with critical annotations). Tianjin: Ke xue ji shu chu ban she, 1988

Collections of Confucian classical learning and bibliographies

  • Huang Qing jing jie 皇 清 經 解 (Qing Dynasty Exegesis of the Classics). Canton: Xue hai tang 學 海 堂 , 1829, 1860. Index: 皇 清 經 解 提 要.
  • Huang Qing jing jie xu bian 皇 清 經 解 續 編 (Qing Dynasty Exegesis of the Classics, Supplement). Jiangyin: Nan jing shu yuan, 1886-88.
  • Qing dai wen ji bian mu fen lei suo yin 清 代 文 集 篇 目 分 類 索 引 (Classified index to collected essays from the Qing dynasty). Taibei: Tai lian guo feng chu ban she, 1979. An excellent index to essays on the classics, histories, and many other topics in the literary collections of Qing scholars.
  • Qing ren bie ji zong mu清 人 別 集 總 目(General catalog of literary collections of Qing authors), eds., Li Lingnian, Yang Zhong ; authors, Wang Yuxiang et al. Edition: Di 1 ban. 第 一 版. Published: Hefei Shi : Anhui jiao you zhu ban she, 2000. Physical description: 3 v. (16, 127, 3012 p.) ; 27 cm.
  • Shi san jing zhu shu 十 三 經 注 疏 (Notes & Annotations to the 13 Classics). Canton: xue hai tang edition, 1829. Reprint Beijing: Chunghua shu ju, 1980. With 索 引. (See also under Electronic Resources). 
  • Tong zhi tang jing jie 通 志 堂 經 解. Compiled by Nalan Chengde 納 蘭 成 德. Reprint Canton: Yue dong shu ju 粵 東 書 局, 1873. Index: 通 志 堂 經 解 目 錄, comp. by Weng Fanggang 翁 方 綱.
  • Union catalog of traditional Chinese texts by the National Central Library. This database now has 441,900 entries and includes holdings of libraries in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and the United States. 
  • Huang Zhixin 黃 智 信, compiler. "Yuan dai jing xue yan jiu lun zhu mu lu (1900-1996)" 元 代 經 學 研 究 論 著 目 錄 (1900-1996) (Bibliography of works on Yuan dynasty classical studies). Zhongguo wen zhe yan jiu tong xun 中 國 文 哲 研 究 通 訊 (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) 7, 2 (June 1997): 97-143.
  • Jiang Rixin, ed. Qing dai jing xue guo ji yan tao hui lun wen ji 清 代 經 學 國 際 研 討 會 論 文 集 (Collected essays from the international conference on Qing dynasty classical studies). Nangang: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 1994.
  • Lin Qingzhang 林 慶 彰, general editor. Riben yan jiu jing xue lun zhu mu lu (1900-1992) 日 本 研 究 經 學 論 著 目 錄 (1900-1992) (Catalog of Japanese research works on classical studies). Nangang: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan: 1993.
  • ---, general editor. Jing xue yan jiu lun cong 經 學 研 究 論 叢 (Introductory essays on research in classical studies). 3 vols. Taibei: Sheng huan Books, 1994-95.
  • ---, general editor. Qian Jia xue shu yan jiu lun zhu mu lu (1900-1993) 乾 嘉 學 術 研 究 論 著 目 錄 (1900-1993) (Catalog of works on research in the scholarship of the Qian-Jia Period, 1736-1820). Nangang: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 1995.
  • ---, & Jiang Qiuhua 蔣 秋 華, ed. Ming dai jing xue guo ji yan tao hui lun wen ji 明 代 經 學 國 際 研 討 會 論 文 集 (Collected essays from the international conference on Ming dynasty classical studies). Nangang: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 1996.
  • Yang Jinlong, & Chen Shuyi, ed. Yuan dai jing xue guo ji yan tao hui lun wen ji 元 代 經 學 國 際 研 討 會 論 文 集 (Collected essays from the international conference on Yuan dynasty classical studies). Nangang: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 1998.

For bibliographies and recent collections of essays and poetry by women, see:

  • Hu Wenkai 胡 文 楷 , compiler. Li dai fu nu zhu zuo kao 歷 代 婦 女 著 作 考 (Study of works written by women over the various dynasties). Revised edition. Shanghai: Gu ji chu ban she, 1985.
  • Chang, Kang-i Sun. "A Guide to Ming Ch'ing Anthologies of Women's Poetry and Their Selection Strategies." Gest Library Journal 5, 2 (1992): 119-60.

See also:

  • Zhao Yongji 趙 永 紀 et al., Qing dai xue shu ci dian 清 代 學 術 辭 典 (Dictionary of Qing intellectual history). Beijing: Xue yuan chu ban she, 2004.

Cong shu (Collectanea) 叢書 titles

  • Beijing tu shu guan cang Zhongguo li dai shi ke ta ben hui bian 北 京 圖 書 館 藏 中 國 歷 代 石 刻 拓 本 匯 編 . Zhengzhou, Henan: Zhongzhou gu ji chu ban she, 1989- . Collection of rubbings from ancient times to the 20th century in the Beijing Library. The Ming and Qing volumes (over 40 volumes alone) include civil examination materials from the provincial and metropolitan examinations.
  • Beijing tu shu guan gu ji zhen ben cong kan 北 京 圖 書 館 古 籍 珍 本 叢 刊. Collection of rare editions, especially Ming editions in the Beijing Library.
  • Cong shu ji cheng 叢 書 集 成 . Compiled 1935-36. See Wilkinson, Endymion. The History of Imperial China: A Research Guide. Cambridge: East Asia Research Center, Harvard University, 1973, p. 24. Selections from previous cong shu here reset and printed in a uniform edition.
  • Hervouet, Yves, ed. A Sung Bibliography. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1978.
  • Kanseki sosho jozai mokuroku 漢 藉 叢 書 所 在 目 錄 (Catalog of Chinese colletanea [in Japanese libraries]. Toyogaku bunken senta, 1965. Refers to Chinese collections in the Toyo bunko, Tokyo University Oriental Library, Kyoto University Institute for Humanistic Studies, National Diet Library, Naikaku bunko, Seikado, and the Tenri Library.
  • Lo, Karl. A Guide to the Ssu Pu Tsung K'an: being an index to authors, titles, and subjects. Lawrence: University of Kansas Libraries, 1965.
  • Ming dai zhuan ji cong kan 明 代 傳 記 叢 刊 . Taibei: Ming wen shu ju, 1991. Collectanea of important Ming materials.
  • Si ku quan shu 四 庫 全 書 Compiled 1773-82. Books recopied into a uniform edition. See Hummel, Arthur, ed. Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1943-44, pp. 121-22; Teng, Ssu-yu, & Knight Biggerstaff. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Chinese Reference Works. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971, pp. 18-20; Wilkinson, Endymion. The History of Imperial China: A Research Guide. Cambridge: East Asia Research Center, Harvard University, 1973, pp. 14-15.
  • Si ku quan shu cun mu cong shu 四 庫 全 書 存 目 叢 書 (Collectanea of all works in the annotated bibliography but not included in the Si ku quan shu). Ji Xianlin 季 羨 林 et al. 1200 vols. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 1994-1997.
  • Si ku quan shu zong mu 四 庫 全 書 總 目. Shanghai, 1930 edition is best. See Teng, Ssu-yu, & Knight Biggerstaff. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Chinese Reference Works. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971, p. 18. Annotated bibliography of the contents of the Si ku quan shu and of those works considered but not included.
  • Si ku quan shu zong mu ji wei shou shu mu yin de 四 庫 全 書 總 目 及 未 收 書 目 引 得 . Beijing: Yanjing da xue tu shu guan yin de bian zuan chu, 1932. Reprint Taibei: Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center, 1966. Index to titles and authors in the above.
  • Wang Yunwu. Cong shu ji cheng chu bian mu lu 叢 書 集 成 初 編 目 錄. Shanghai, 1935. Catalog of Cong shu ji cheng. The various cong shu on which this collection draws are here annotated as to contents. The catalog lists the title contents according to modern categories and is thus a help in discovering new material.
  • Zhang Shunhui 張 舜 徵. Qing ren wen ji bie lu 清 人 文 集 別 錄. Taibei: Ming wen chu ban she, 1982.
  • Zhongguo cong shu zong lu 中 國 叢 書 綜 錄 . 3 vols. Shanghai, 1959-62. A comprehensive index to congshu. See Wilkinson, Endymion. The History of Imperial China: A Research Guide. Cambridge: East Asia Research Center, Harvard University, 1973, p. 24; Teng, Ssu-yu, & Knight Biggerstaff. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Chinese Reference Works. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971, p. 67. Vol. 1 lists the nearly 3000 cong shu here indexed with information on editions and locations (in China). Vol. 2 lists the 70,000 titles included in the cong shu. Vol. 3 indexes Vol. 2 by title and author (4 corner).
  • Si bu cong kan 四 部 叢 刊. Compiled in three series, 1919-37. See Wilkinson, Endymion. The History of Imperial China: A Research Guide. Cambridge: East Asia Research Center, Harvard University, 1973, p. 24.. Reproduction of the best original editions. Includes the po na pen editions of the standard histories for the best old version of a text.

Electronic resources for Chinese works

For electronic classical texts, poetry, & novels in GB Code see:

Japanese indices of Chinese works

  • Chugoku shosetsu gikyoku shii kenkyu jiten sogo sakuinhen (hikkaku sakuin) 中 國 小 說 戲 曲 辭 匯 研 究 辭 典 - 綜 合 索 引 篇 (筆 畫 索 引). Yokuhama: Yokohama City University, 1956-. Part I-IV published so far since 1956. This is the index volume (index by strokes) of a dictionary for the study of the vocabulary of Chinese novels and dramas.
  • Chugoku zuihitsu sakuin 中 國 隨 筆 索 引. Compiled by Kyoto Daigaku Toyoshi Kenkyukai 東 京 大 學 東 洋 史 研 究 會 . Tokyo: Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai, 1954. This is an index to the headings of items in approximately 160 miscellanies ranging in time from the Tang dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty, including such works as Yi jian zhi 夷 堅 志 by Hong Mai 洪 邁 and Ri zhi lu 日 知 錄 by Gu Yanwu 顧 炎 武.
  • Fukusha seishi sakuin 復 社 姓 氏 索 引 (Index of members of the Restoration Society). Compiled at Kyoto University by the Institute of Humanistic Studies, the "Late-Ming Early-Ch'ing Society and Culture Research Group," 1995.
  • Goto Toshimizu 後 藤 俊 瑞 , compiler. Shushi shisho shushu sakuin 朱 子 四 書 集 注 索 引. Hiroshima: Hiroshima University Press, 1955. An index to Zhu Xi's Si shu huo wen 四 書 惑 問.
  • Hanabusa Hideki 花 房 英 樹 , compiler. Ri Haku kashi sakuin 李 白 歌 詩 索 引. No. 8 of the Tang Civilization Reference Series. Kyoto: Kyoto Daigaku Jimbungaku Kenkyujo, 1957. A concordance to the poems of Li Po, by title, character or phrase.
  • Hiraoka Takeo 平 岡 武 夫 , & Ichihara Kokichi 市 原 亨 吉 , compilers. Todai no gyosei chiri 唐 代 の 行 政 地 理. No. 2 of the Tang Civilization Reference Series。 Kyoto: Kyoto Daigaku Jimbungaku Kenkyujo, 1954. This work contains two primary indexes to place names (fu 府, chou 州 , jun 郡 , and xian 縣 ) of the Tang period. The first is an index to the place names appearing in pertinent sections of the following works:
    • Jiu Tang shu 舊 唐 書 (945). juan 38-41 of 200 juan.
    • Liu dian 六 典 (ca. 739). juan 3, and Chen yuan shi dao lu -s 元 十 道 錄 (ca. 802) are also covered in this index but reference is limited to whether or not the place names appear in them. The second index is to the place names in Li dai di li zhi yun bien jin shi 歷 代 地 理 志 韻 編 今 釋 (1837). Appended are an alphabetical index based on Wade-Giles romanization and an index based on total umber of strokes giving the four-corner numbers used in the main indexed.
    • Tai ping huan yu ji 太 平 寰 宇 記 (ca. 980). 200 juan.
    • Tang hui yao 唐 會 要 (961). juan 67, 68, 70, 71, 73 of 100.
    • Tong dian 通 典 (803). juan 卷 171-184 of 200 juan.
    • Xin Tang shu 新 唐 書 (1060). juan 37-43 of 225 juan.
    • Yuanhe jun xian zhi 元 和 郡 縣 志 (813). 34 of 40 juan.
  • --- , compilers. Todai no shijin 唐 代 の 詩 人. No. 4 of the Tang Civilization Reference Series. Kyoto: Kyoto Daigaku Jimbungaku Kenkyujo, 1960. An index to the following two works, giving the locations of the poems of Tang poets:
    • Quan Tang shi 全 唐 詩 (1705). 900 juan.
    • Quan Tang shi i 全 唐 詩 逸 (1804). 3 chuan, a supplement to Quan Tang shi and recorded only in Japanese works.
    • As a supplement, there is an index to biographic information on Tang poets in the following works:
      • Ho yueh ying ling ji 河 岳 英 靈 集
      • Ji xuan ji 極 玄 集
      • Quan Tang shi hua 全 唐 詩 話
      • Quan Tang shi hua xu bian 全 唐 詩 話 續 編
      • Tang cai zi zhuan 唐 才 子 傳
      • Tang shi ji shi 唐 詩 紀 事
      • Zhong xing xian qi ji 中 興 賢 氣 集
  • Hiraoka Takeo 平 岡 武 夫 , & Imai Kiyoshi 今 井 清 , compilers. [Todai no] Choan to Rakuyo sakuin (唐 代 の ) 長 安 と 洛 陽 索 引. No. 5 of Tang Civilization Reference Series, published by the Institute of Humanistic Science, Kyoto University, 1956. 15,198 pp. This work consists of a classified list and index to names of people, buildings, temples, shrines, ponds, trees, wells, etc., appearing in the following seven works:
    • Changan zhi 長 安 志. Compiled by Song Minqiu 宋 敏 求 (late-11th century). juan 6-10.
    • Henan zhi 河 南 志. Compiled by Song Minqiu 宋 敏 求 (late-11th century). 4 juan.
    • Liang jing xin ji 兩 京 新 記. Compiled by Wei Shu -� -z (722). juan 3 of 5 juan. (the only extant copy is in Japan).
    • Liang jing xin ji 兩 京 新 記. Compiled by Cao Yuanzhong 曹 元 忠 (ca. 1895). 2 juan.
    • Liang jing xin ji xu shih 兩 京 新 記 續 拾. A supplement to Liang jing xin ji compiled by Hiraoka Takeo.
    • Tang liang jing cheng fang kao 唐 兩 京 城 坊 考 Compiled by Xu Song 徐 松 (early 19th century). 1 juan.
    • Tang liang jing cheng fang kao jiao bu ji 唐 兩 京 城 坊 考 校 補 記. Compiled by Cheng Hongzhao 程 鴻 詔 (1850). 1 juan.
  • --- , compilers. Todai no sambun sakka 唐 代 の 散 文 作 家. No. 3 of the Tang Civilization Reference Series. Kyoto: Kyoto Daigaku Jimbungaku Kenkyujo, 1954. An index to the following three works, giving the locations of biographies and works of 3,516 Tang dynasty prose writers:
    • Quan Tang wen 全 唐 文 (1814). 1,000 juan.
    • Tang wen shi yi 唐 文 拾 遺 (ca. 1888). 72 juan.
    • Tang wen xu shi 唐 文 續 拾 (ca. 1894). 16 juan.
  • Iida Yoshiro 飯 田 吉 郎 , compiler. To seisho goi sakuin 董 西 廂 語 匯 索 引 . Published by author, 1951. An index to the vocabulary of the Tung hsi hsiang.
  • Iriya Yoshitaka 入 矢 義 高 , compiler. Tonko hembun shuko goi sakuin 敦 煌 變 文 集 口 語 匯 索 引. 1961. Mimeographed. 34 pp. An index to colloquial glosses in Dunhuang pien wen ji.
  • Kanseki sosho shozai mokuroku 漢 籍 叢 書 所 在 目 錄. Compiled by Toyogaku bunken senta renraku kyogikai. Tokyo: Toyo Bunko, 1965.
  • Ko-Min Bunkai sakuin ko 皇 明 文 海 索 引 稿. Compiled by Kyoto Daigaku Jimbun Kagaku Kenkyujo Rekishi Kenkyushitsu 東 京 大 學 人 文 科 學 研 究 所 歷 史 研 究 室. Kyoto, 1961. Mimeographed, 214 pp. A draft index to Huang ming wen hai.
  • Mindai tokaroku sakuin ko 明 登 科 錄 索 引 稿, compiled at Kyoto University by the Institute of Humanistic Studies, the "Late-Ming Early-Ch'ing Society and Culture Research Group," 1995.
  • Nihon genzon shinjin bunshu mokuroku 日本 現 存 清 人 文 集 目 錄. Kyoto: Toyoshi kenkyukai 東 洋 史 研 究 會.
  • Noma Fumichika, compiler. Shurai sakuin 周 禮 索 引 (Index of the Rites of Chou). Fukuoka: Chugoku Bookstore, 1989.
  • O I shi sakuin 王 維 詩 索 引. Compiled by the Kyoto University Seminar on Chinese Literature and Language. Kyoto, 1952. Mimeographed. An index to the poems of Wang Wei (699-759).
  • Okamoto Shigeru 岡 本 繁. Bunshin choryu sakuin 文 心 雕 龍. Mimeographed edition. Hiroshima University, 1950. An index to Wen xin diao long, treatise on literary criticism and theory, in 10 juan, by Liu Xie 劉 勰 (6th century).
  • Sadao Takeji 竹 治 貞 夫 , compiler. Chu ci suo yin 楚 辭 索 引. Tokushima: Department of Chinese Literature, Tokushima University, 1970.
  • Sakai Ken'ichi 井 健 一 , et al., compilers. Koin sakuin 廣 韻 索 引. Monograph No. 1 of the journal of the Chugoku Bunka Kenkyukai. Tokyo: Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Toyo Bungaku Kenkyushitsu , 1953.
  • Sesetsu shingo sakuin 世 說 新 語 索 引. Compiled by Hiroshima Daigaku Chugoku Bungaku Kenkyushitsu 島 大 學 中 國 文 學 研 究 室. 1959. Mimeographed. 670 pp. An index to Shi shuo xin yu by Liu Yiqing 劉 義 慶 (403-444). This is a more voluminous work than the Shi shuo xin yu yin depublished as No. 12 of the Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series.
  • Shiba Rokuro 斯 波 六 郎 , compiler. Monzen sakuin 文 選 索 引. 3 vols. + supplement vol. Special Nos. 1-4 of the Tang Civilization Reference Series. Kyoto: Kyoto Daigaku Jimbungaku Kenkyujo, 1957-59. A monumental concordance to the Wen hsuan.
  • Yajima Genry 矢 島 玄 亮 , compiler. Hyakushi zensho sakuin (chimei kanshoku shakumei inyo shomei) 百 子 全 書 索 引 (地 名,官 職,引 用 書 名). Sendai: Tohoku Daigaku Shinagaku Kenkyushitsu, 1953. Mimeographed, 137 pp. An index to place names, offices, titles and books cited in Bai zi quan shu 百 子 全 書, a Qing dynasty cong shu covering the period from early Qin to Ming.

Sinological indices (other)

  • Bai hu tong yin de 白 虎 通 引 得, Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series No. 2. Beijing: Havard-Yenching Institute, 1931. xvi, 33pp. An index to Bai hu tong yi 白 虎 通 義, a record of discussions by Confucian scholars of Late Han, in four juan, compiled by Ban Gu 班 固 (32-92 A.D.).
  • Cui Dongbi yi shu yin de 崔 東 壁 遺 書 引 得 . Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series No. 5. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1937. An index to Ts'ui tung-pi yi shu, a collection of works by Cui Shu 崔 述 (1740-1816).
  • Feng shi wen jian ji jiao zheng fu yin de 封 氏 聞 見 記 校 證 附 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series Supplement No. 7. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1933. A collated text of Feng shi wen chien ji, with index. Feng shi wen jian ji is a collection of little known anecdotes on Taoism, Confucianism, and affairs of the Tang period, in 10 juan, compiled by Feng Yin 封 寅 of the Tang period.
  • Hou Han shu ji zhu shi zong he yin de 後 漢 書 及 注 釋 綜 合 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Seies No. 41. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1949. Combined Indexes to Hou Han shu and the notes by Liu Zhao and Li Xian.
  • Johnson, Wallace, compiler. Guanzi yin de 管 子 引 得. Taibei: Cheng wen chu ban she, 1970.
  • ---, compiler. Pian zi lei bian yin de 駢 字 類 編 引 得. Taibei: Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center, 1966.
  • ---, compiler. Tang lu shu yi yin de 唐 律 疏 義 引 得. Taibei: Wen hai, 1965.
  • Hartwell, Robert. Guide to Sources of Chinese Economic History: 618-1368. Chicago: Committee on Far Eastern Civilizations, The University of Chicago, 1964.
  • Kao gu zhi yi yin de 考 古 質 疑 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series No. 3. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1931. An index toK'ao ku zhi i, treatises on the Classics and historical works, by Ye Daqing 葉 大 慶 of the Sung period.
  • Kanda Nobuo, et al., compilers. Ba qi tong zhi lie zhuan suo yin 八 旗 通 志 列 傳 索 引. Tokyo: Toyo Bunko, 1965.
  • Lau, D.C. 劉 殿 爵 , & F.C. Chen 陳 方 正 , compilers. The ICS Ancient Chinese Text Concordance Series 先 秦 兩 漢 古 籍 逐 字 索 引 叢 刊. 12 vols. Hong Kong: Shang wu yin shu kuan, 1992. Includes:
    • A Concordance to the Da Dai Li ji 大 戴 禮 記 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Han shi wai zhuan 韓 詩 外 傳 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Huainanzi 淮 南 子 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Kongzi Jia yu 孔 子 家 語 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Li ji 禮 記 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to The Militarists (Wuzi, Sima Fa, Sunzi, Weiliaozi) 吳 子 ? 司 馬 法? 孫 子 ? 尉 繚 子 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Shang jun shu 商 君 書 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Shuo yuan 說 苑 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Wenzi 文 子 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Xin xu 新 序 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Yi zhou shu 逸 周 書 逐 字 索 引.
    • A Concordance to the Zhan guo ce 戰 國 策 逐 字 索 引.
  • Li He shi yin de 李 賀 詩 引 得. Taibei: Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center, 1969.
  • Ming dai chi zhuan shu kao fu yin de 明 代 敕 撰 書 考 附 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series Supplement No. 3. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1932. Notes on Imperial compilations during the Ming dynasty, with index.
  • Ming shi 明史 . Taibei: Guo fang yan jiu yuan, 1963. Part of the same series as the Qing shi above, in 6 volumes, the last of which contains an index of proper names.
  • Mozi yin de 墨 子 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Sinological Index Series Supplement No. 21. Beijing, 1948. A concordance to Mozi.
  • Qing shi 清 史. Edited by the Qing shi bian zuan wei yuan hui 清 史 編 纂 委 員 會 of the Guo fang yan jiu yuan 國 防 研 究 院 Taibei, 1961. This work in 8 volumes is a re-edited version of the Qing shi gao 清 史 稿 . Beijing: Zhunghua shu ju, 1977. The work is punctuated and the last volume contains an index of proper names.
  • Riben qi kan san shi ba zhong dong fang xue lun wen pian mu fu yin de 日 本 期 刊 三 十 八 種 東 方 學 論 文 篇 目 附 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series Supplement No. 6. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1933. A bibliography of articles on Orientology in 38 Japanese periodicals to 1933, with index. See Yi bai qi shi wu zhong Riben qi kan zhong dong fang xue lun wen pian mu fu yin de below.
  • Rong zhai sui bi wu zhong zong he yin de 容 齋 隨 筆 �- 種 綜 合 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series No. 13. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1933. Combined indices to the five collections of miscellanies of Hong Mai 洪 邁 (1123-1202).
  • Shang Chengzuo 商 承 祚 , & Huang Hua 黃 華, compilers. Zhongguo li dai shu hua zhuan ke jia zi hao suo yin 中 國 歷 代 書 畫 篆 刻 家 字 號 索 引. 2 vols. Beijing: Ren min mei shu chu ban she, 1960. A hao-to-real name and real name-to-hao index of calligraphers, painters, and seal engravers. Volume One gives the hao-to-real name index with skeleton information on province of origin, dynasty in which lived, specialties, and dates when available. Volme Two is the index from real name-to-hao.
  • Shuo yuan yin de 說 苑 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series No. 1. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1931. An index to the Shuo yuan, a collection of Confucian moralistic anecdotes compiled by Liu Xiang 劉 向 (79-8 B.C.)
  • Song ren zhuan ji suo yin 宋 人 傳 記 索 引. Compiled by the Japan Committee for the Song Project of the Tokyo Bunko. Tokyo, 1968.
  • Su shi yan yi yin de 蘇 氏 演 義 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series No. 14. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1933. An index to Su shi yan yi, a collection of essays on law and other topics, in two juan, by Su E 蘇 鶚 of the Tang period.
  • Tomi Saeki 佐 伯 富 , compiler. Tzu zhi tong jian suo yin 資 治 通 監 索 引. Kyoto: Thi Kenkyukai of Kyoto University, 1961.
  • Tong Shigang 童 世 綱 , compiler. Hu Shi wen cun suo yin 胡 適 文 存 索 引 . Taibei: Xue sheng shu ju 學 生 書 局, 1969.
  • Xiao jing yin de 孝 經 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series Supplement No. 23. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1950. A concordance to the Xiao jing .
  • Xin Tang shu zai xiang shi xi biao yin de 新 唐 書 宰 相 世 系 表 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series No. 16. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1934. An index to the genealogical tables of the families of chief ministers in Xin Tang shu.
  • Xunzi yin de 荀 子 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Series No. 22. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1950. A concordance to Xunzi.
  • Yi bai qi shi wu zhong Riben qi kan zhong dong fang xue lun wen pian mu fu yin de 一 百 七 十 五 種 日 本 期 刊 中 東 方 學 論 文 篇 目 附 引 得. Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series Supplement No. 13. Beijing, Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1940. A bibliography of articles on Orientology in 175 Japanese periodicals from 1933 to 1940, with index. See Riben qi kan san shi ba zhong dong fang xue lun wen pian mu fu yin de above.
  • Yi qie jing yin yi yin yong shu suo yin 一 切 經 音 義 引 用 書 索 引. Compiled by Beijing da xue yan jiu yuan wen shi bu 北 京 大 學 研 究 院 文 史 部 as No. 6 of the Beijing University Research Institute Series on Literature and History. Changsha: Shang wu yin shu guan, 1938. An index to the titles quoted in Yi qie jing yin i.
  • Yuan shi 元 史. Of the same series as the Qing shi and Ming shi.

Sinological Indices (supplement to Teng & Biggerstaff)

  • McMullen, L. Concordances and Indexes to Chinese Texts, San Francisco, Chinese Materials Center Inc., 1975.
  • Wang Yunwu 王 云 五 , compiler. Shi tong suo yin 十 通 索 引. In Wan you wen ku Series 2. Shanghai, Commercial Press, 1937. 327, 13, 168 pp. Combined Indexes to the:
    • Tong dian 通 典
    • Tong zhi 通 志
    • Wen xian tong kao 文 獻 通 考
    • Xu Tong dian 續 通 典
    • Xu Tong zhi 續 通 志
    • Xu Wen xian tong kao 續 文 獻 通 考
    • Huang chao tong dian 皇 朝 通 典
    • Huang chao tong zhi 皇 朝 通 志
    • Huang chao wen xian tong kao 皇 朝 文 獻 通 考
    • Huang chao xu Wen xian tong kao 皇 朝 續 文 獻 通 考.
  • Ye Shaojun 葉 紹 鈞 , ed. Shi san jing suo yin 十 三 經 索 引 (重 訂 本). Beijing: Zhonghua shu ju, 1983. ( First edition in Teng & Biggerstaff).

Western indices of Chinese works

  • Baxter, Glen. Index to the Imperial Register of Ci Prosody. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956.
  • Fraser, D.H., compiler. Index to the Zuo zhuan 左 傳. Revised by J.H.S. Lockhardt. Taibei: Cheng wen, 1966.
  • Giles, Lionel, comiler. "An Alphabetical Index to the Chinese Encyclopedia, Qin ding gu jin tu shu ji cheng." London: British Museum, 1911. Appended to theQin ding gu jin tu shu ji cheng 欽 定 古 今 圖 書 集 成, an encyclopedia in 10,000 juan, compiled under imperial auspices and presented to the Emperor in 1725.
  • Ivanhoe, P.J., compiler. A Concordance to Tai Chen, "Yuan shan" 原 善. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, 1979.
  • ---, & David Nivison, compilers. A Concordance to Dai Zhen, "Mengzi zi yi shu zheng" 孟 子 字 義 疏 證. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, 1979.