All materials in Subgroups 1 and 2 are open for research use.
The following access restrictions apply to Subgroups 3 and 4 ONLY.
Identifying Materials
Any access restrictions that apply to a specific folder, group of folders, or box will be indicated in the finding aids for Subgroups 3 and 4. To view the access status, first identify the materials you wish to view, either by doing a keyword search of the finding aid or browsing the box and folder titles from the navigation panel on the left side of the screen. (For more tips on searching the ACLU collection, see the How to Search page.)
Open Materials
When you click on the material you wish to access, you will be taken to a webpage that describes this specific material. The page will indicate the extent of the material (i.e. how many folders) and any access restrictions that may apply. In cases where there are no access restrictions on the material, the page will indicate that the material is open, as shown below.
Restricted Materials
If the material is closed due to legal or administrative restrictions, the page will indicate the type of restriction and the date when the material will open, as shown below. Materials that are closed due to legal or administrative restrictions cannot be accessed until the date displayed on the page.
Un-reviewed Materials
If the material has not yet been reviewed for legal restrictions, a message stating that the material must be reviewed by an archivist prior to research use will be displayed, as shown below. If this message is displayed, please submit a request for the material via your Research Account at least 10 business days before visiting the library to allow time for the material to be reviewed. An archivist will respond within 10 business days to let you know whether the material is available for research use. Individuals may make up to 15 requests per month.