Full text archive of core journals in select disciplines. Journal issues from the most recent 3-5 years are usually NOT available electronically through JSTOR. Also includes full text of many Princeton University Press books as well as books in Classics from many university presses.
Contains several libraries containing government information including Congressional Documents, Attorney General Decisions, Presidential Documents, and others.
Indexes international economic literature. Includes major journals, articles in collective volumes (essays, proceedings, etc.), books, full-text book reviews, dissertations, and working papers. 1886+
Preserves and provides access to over 1.5 million publications—including budgets, surveys, statistical records, case studies, planning documents, training manuals, policy guidelines, and annual reports—from over 600 cities and urban agencies in North America. It also includes select reports from municipal and regional associations and other agencies or NGOs that focus on municipal affairs. Includes documents from the former Index to Current Urban Documents from 2000+.
Citations to articles, books, reports, and select government documents on U.S. and international public policy issue. Generally considered to be a comprehensive index to policy literature. 1915+
1968-1971 of the foreign language component is only available in print. (Trustees Reading Room) Z7164.A2P8