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Vocational Training: Career Guidance

Catalog Subject Headings

In the catalog, use the following subject headings:

Internship programs

Job hunting

Occupational training

Vocational guidance


            Career guides and profiles. Can search for companies by name, industry, and location. Guides devoted to individual professions.  Each user has to register for an account.

            U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics annual guide to hundreds of occupations plus forecasts.

Internship Information Sources

  •  All work, no pay : finding an internship, building your resume, making connections, and gaining job experience by Lauren Berger. Ten Speed Press, c2012. Call number: (F) HF5381 .B3647 2012
  • Intern nation : how to earn nothing and learn little in the brave new economy by Ross Perlin. Verso, 2011. Call number: (F) HD58.7 .P463 2011.