The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America's libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world. There is a wealth of primary sources in this collection, from all over the United States.
Digital archive of U.S. history primary sources. Includes government documents, personal papers and organizational records.
Policy Commons preserves and provides access to more than 30 million pages of curated policy reports and briefs, analyses, working papers, books, case studies, tables, charts, media, and statistical publications created by 25,000 policy organizations (NGOs, IGOs, foundations, think tanks, government agencies, etc.) from around the world. Platform provides multiple filters and advanced searching operators.
Policy Commons preserves and provides access to more than 30 million pages of curated policy reports and briefs, analyses, working papers, books, case studies, tables, charts, media, and statistical publications created by 25,000 policy organizations (NGOs, IGOs, foundations, think tanks, government agencies, etc.) from around the world. Platform provides multiple filters and advanced searching operators.
Princeton University Library has extensive primary sources. Here are some sample searches.
African Americans Civil rights History 19th century Sources
Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant
Virginia Description and Travel