The first question really is, do we have this journal? Check the catalog to see if PUL subscribes to the journal in the year that the article was published. If so, you can navigate to the article through the catalog. If not, you can put in an ArticleExpress request to have the PDF of the article sourced and sent to you for free.
Articles+ is what librarian call a federated database, which means that it searches many, many databases across disciplines. It's a great first start if you are not familiar with the databases for a particular discipline and usually returns more than enough results for a writing seminar paper.
The name is slightly deceiving because in addition to scholarly journal articles Articles+ also has book chapters, newspaper articles, e-books, conference proceedings, book reviews, datasets, government documents, media, etc. It, however, would not be my first stop for items other than scholarly journals articles.
Hot Tips for Articles+
The Library has many resources including online articles! Use this search bar to get access to thousands of scholarly reviewed articles.