Your research workflow can be defined in a sense by the tools you use to manage the research information you generate throughout the research lifecycle, whether it be protocols, field notes, transcripts, data, code, manuscripts, slides, posters, or publications.
One of the ways you can support open, transparent, citable, findable, and sharable research information and outputs is to use tools that will make this process easier.
Throughout this guide, you will find research tools supported by the Princeton University Library that will make your workflow more open.
Bosman, J., & Kramer, B. (2016). Innovations in scholarly communication - data of the global 2015-2016 survey [Data set]. Zenodo.
The following are some suggestions for how you can increase the openness of your workflow.
[Image] Bosman, Jeroen; Kramer, Bianca (2017): NPOS Workflow-perspective-Bosman-Kramer.pptx. figshare. Presentation.