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Neuroscience Junior Independent Work and Senior Thesis Guide

What are review articles?

Review articles are different from research articles ('primary source' or 'primary research articles') in that they do not present original research and findings but rather synthesize the existing literature on a given topic. Systematic reviews use exhaustive searching methods to identify and synthesize all research findings relating to a specific research question. Meta-analyses are systematic reviews that use statistical methods to synthesize research findings. In psychology, these statistical methods may be used to measure a more accurate effect size of a phenomenon. In Neuroscience meta-analyses may be used to locate a more accurate effect location in the brain. 

There are two ways to locate review articles:

Searching for review articles in PubMed

  1. Go to PubMed
  2. Type your keywords into the search box. Example: dopamine reward prediction error
  3. In the menu of limiters in the left-hand column check review, systematic review, or meta-analysis


Searching for review articles in APA PsycINFO

1. Go to APA PsycINFO

2. Enter your search terms. Ex. dopamine AND reward prediction error

3. Enter terms relating to reviews. Ex review OR systematic review OR meta-analysis

4. From the drop-down box to the right of the search terms relating to review, select (TI) Title

3. Check the peer review box


Annual Review of Neuroscience

1. Go to Articles+

2. Click Advanced to the right of the search box

3. In the top search field select Publication Title and type Annual Review of Neuroscience

4. in the second search box type in your topic keywords. Ex. dopamine AND "reward prediction error"