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Global Social Responses to Covid-19 Web Archive (Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation)

About the Latin America and Caribbean section

The Latin America and Caribbean section, still in development, seeks to document the Covid-19 pandemic's impact on and the responses coming from all sectors of civil society as represented in the websites of hundreds of non-governmental organizations, activists, grassroots initiatives, trade and professional organizations, and research centers, as well as in alternative or non-commercial media. Strong emphasis has been given to websites created by or about marginalized groups and underrepresented minorities across the region.


This section is curated by Fernando Acosta-Rodríguez (Princeton University), Paloma Celis Carbajal (New York Public Library), and Amy Torres (Princeton University) with support from Laura Martin (University of Wisconsin), Miguel Domínguez (University of Virginia), Sara Moreno (Princeton University), and Miguel Valladares (University of Virginia). 

The section has benefitted from nominations by Jesús Alonso-Regalado (SUNY Albany), Alejandro Herrera (Libros de Colombia), Sonia Morcillo (Cambridge University), Lynn Shirey (Harvard University), and Gabrielle Winkler (Princeton University).