Chinese Population Census Statistics are also available via the Princeton Map collection.
Via the map collection Princeton users have permanent access to the following data sets:
China County Boundaries with Census Data, 1953
China County Boundaries with Census Data, 1964
China County Boundaries with Census Data, 1982
China County Boundaries with Census Data (Part A), 1990
China County Boundaries with Census Data (Part B), 1990
China County Census Short Form Data, 2000
China County Census Long Form Data (L1-L6), 2000
China County Census Long Form Data (L7-L8), 2000
Township Census Data 2000 for each Province
China Economic Census Data by County, 2008
China census data by county, 2000-2010
China extended long form census data by province, 2010
China extended short form census data by province, 2010
China extended long form census data by county, 2010
China township population census data, 2010
All the files can be downloaded and either be used in a GIS software or opened with Excel. To open the data in Excel, please download the shapefile and open the file with the extension “.dbs” in Excel. Under “Metadata” in each entry additional information about the Excel fields is available.
A Web-based GIS system with historical maps, integrated with full-text databases from the Academia Sinica. Includes place name search. Can be used without registration, but personal registration (free to Princeton users) is recommended for saving and printing. The basic historical maps come from Tan Qixiang's Zhongguo lishi dituji, and the Shenbao atlas from the 1920s. There are search functions for current and historical place names, gazetteers etc. Some specialized thematic information is available, such as maps of Han archaeological tombs. Enter the GIS system by clicking on "Framework" from the Home page, and then by clicking on "Enter CCTS System." Before first use, one needs to download two special plug-ins available there. The Web-based GIS system follows standard ArcView procedures.
There is also a Taiwan History and Culture in Time and Space available:
The Digital Maps & Geospatial Data provides a geographical interface to digital maps and geographic data available to Princeton users. It includes scanned historic, geoscientific, and topographic maps and charts and geospatial data such as aerial photographs, census data, land-use maps, and elevation.