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Chinese Studies Resources - by type

Detailed directory of resources in Chinese Studies listed by type of resource

Bibliography of Asian Studies

The on-line version of the Bibliography of Asian Studies contains more than 700,000 records on all subjects (especially humanities and social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present. Through the 1991 printed version, the BAS included citations to western-language periodical articles, individually authored monographs, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, and Festschriften, etc. Since 1992, newly published individual monographs are no longer being added to the database, and users seeking monographs are urged to consult other general resources and databases.

The online BAS contains the full data of all printed editions of the BAS issued from 1971 up to the 1991 edition (published 1997), as well as thousands of entries compiled since. To quickly bridge the gap in coverage from 1991 to the present, the BAS staff have identified the most important 100+ periodicals in Asian Studies, and have given these high priority for indexing to make their coverage as up-to-date as possible. For any particular journal, full information on years of coverage should be provided through the Journal Title Browse function, although this part seems often out of sync with the rest of the database.

You can search by phrase in specified field, can combine searches, and can specify your desired display, with or without diacritics; a downloadable font is provided. You can limit your searches to specific countries. Subject searching is also provided, but subject ranges are broad and have changed over the years. If you need assistance, consult the Western bibliographer (contact info found in the right column of this page).

Print back to 1946 at Firestone Reference (DR) & East Asian Library: (GEST) Z3001 .B49. Prior title covering 1936-40 at Gest Z3001.xB8; Cumulative bibliographies covering 1941-65 at GEST Z3001.C94 & Z3001.C93.

Biblioteca virtual de Macao = 澳門虛擬圖書館

China Academic Journals / CNKI = 中国学术期刊 / 中国知网

Princeton's access to the Literature/ History/ Philosophy, Economics/ Politics/ Law, Education/ Social Sciences, and the Electronic and Information Series components of the CNKI includes access to the full-text China Academic Journals database (includes full text and/or full image articles from 8,000+ journals from first issue to date). No usernames or passwords are necessary: the link above opens the database with the English interface; after logging in, you can switch to a Simplified Chinese interface if you prefer. Use the PDF format for downloading articles.


China Economy, Public Policy, and Security (皮书 pishu) Database

A database comprised of the volumes called pishu (皮书) from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), published (often yearly) by the Social Science Academic Press (SSAP). This database should be especially useful for researchers in the economic, political and social sciences of China.

The archive covers all pishu published by SSAP from 1991 onward, and new pishu are uploaded on a monthly basis, between 15-20 new volumes each month. You can see the updated title list here:

You can search within all titles, or by series and/or thematic keyword (click on those headings). The seven series are China Society and Culture (国社会与文化), China Economic Development (中国的经济发展), China Regional Analysis - Provincial  (中国地区分析 - 省级), China Regional Analysis - Municipal  (中国地区分析 - 市政的), China Regional Analysis - Hong Kong/Macau/Taiwan (中国地区分析 - 香港/澳门/台湾), China Industrial Sectors (中国的工业部门),  and Global Economy, Politics, Security  (世界经济,政治,安全). Thematic keywords include advertising, ethnology, etc. The database also includes such titles as the Annual Report on Research on Japan (日本研究报告). An explanatory brochure about the database is available from:  .

We have only a selection of these works in paper, and ranges may be spotty. Note that almost all titles are Chinese-only, although they do have English alternative titles.

China Monographic Series / CNKI = 中国学术辑刊 / 中国知网

China Monographic Series gives access to journals that are infrequently published in monographic form rather than as continuously published journals. This happens mostly in the Humanities, but to a lesser extent also in the Social Sciences. These journals are not searchable in the main China Academic Journals database and have to be retrieved from a separate interface. The link to the database is available in the lower part of the CNKI welcome page.

No usernames or passwords are necessary: the link above opens the English interface; after logging in, you can switch to a Simplified Chinese interface if you prefer. Use the PDF format for downloading articles.

China Research Gateway

Chugoku kankei ronsetsu shiryō sakuin = 中国関係論説資料索引

Searchable index to the printed collection, which includes reduced copies of articles on China in less common Japanese academic journals. This collection may be viewed from the main computer cluster in the EAL.

CNKI Journal Translation Project

The CNKI Journal Translation Project provides English translations from the most important articles from a carefully selected group of Chinese academic journals. A wide variety of fields is covered, from humanities and social sciences to exact sciences including medicine, with international studies featured:  archaeology and cultural relics, biology, chemistry and materials,  ecology, agronomy, economics, finance, education, physical culture, engineering technology, ethnology, religion, geoscience, management, mathematics, physics, medical science, politics, law, military, psychology, sociology and demography. The original Chinese is also included.

Selection and translation is done by specialists in the field from all over the world. Each article has an abstracts and press release. Articles on current hot topics can also be accessed through special folders.

Duxiu = 读秀

Basically, Duxiu looks like an enormous combined Google Scholar and Google Books for Chinese material. But Duxiu has its own characteristics; there is no real English equivalent. Duxiu is a huge content-based database composed of 600,000,000 full text pages, with very flexible searches (full-text, books, articles, theses, web pages, newspapers). Please see our user guide for details:
At the moment the Duxiu works well with Firefox and Internet Explorer, but there are still problems with requesting PDFs using Chrome.

Searching using the full text filter, you can read (and print) most articles. Sometimes there is a limit of what you can access at one time, but you can follow up with searches for the words at the end of those pages, etc.

Searching using the book title filter, you can read a limited number of pages directly on-line, but in many cases you can then email to yourself 50 pages or 1/5th of the book (whichever is less) at a time.

Some of the books can be purchased by the library for perpetual access; if you think we should purchase a recent book as an e-book please notify the Chinese Bibliographer (displayed in the rightmost column of this page). These will be available from the general catalog.

Hong Kong Periodical Database = 香港中文期刊論文縮印

Kao gu = 考古

Kao gu is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal of Chinese archaeology. Many of the articles have English abstracts. We hold an electronic archive of this journal from 1997-2003, including diagrams and photographs. It may be viewed from the main computer cluster in the EAL.

National Palace Museum eJournals (Airiti)

National Center for Philosophy and Social Science Documentation = 国家哲学社会科学文献中心

Previously hosted at the National Social Sciences Database (PRC) = 国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库 this collection gives access to hundreds of high-level Chinese social science and humanities journals, including those published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. These journals are now freely available. Titles include 城市问题 (Urban Problems), 财经研究 (The Study of Finance and Economics), 当代韩国 (Contemporary Korea), 东南亚研究 (Southeast Asian Studies), 敦煌学辑刊 (Journal of Dunhuang Studies), 当代亚太 (Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies), 敦煌研究 (Dunhuang Research), 复旦学报:社会科学版  (Fudan Journal, Social Sciences Edition), 方言 ( Dialect), 金融研究 (Journal of Financial Research), 考古 (Archaeology), 历史研究 (Historical Research), 满语研究 (Manchu Studies), 明清小说研究 (The Research on Ming and Qing Dynasties Novels), 美国研究 (American Studies Quarterly), 民族语文 (Minority Languages of China), 南开管理评论 (Nankai Business Review), 清史研究 (Studies in Qing History), 求实 (Truth Seeking), 日本问题研究 (Japan Problem Studies), 人口研究 (Population Research), 世界宗教研究 (Studies in World Religions), 探索 (Probe), 文史哲 (Journal of Literature,History and Philosophy), 文物 (Cultural Relics), 中国经济史研究 (Researches in Chinese Economic History), 中国语文 (Chinese) and 政治学研究 (CASS Journal of Political Science).

Individual titles have also been registered in the catalog; thus, when searching for Kao gu in the catalog, and clicking on "View Princeton's online holdings," there is an additional link to the holdings in this database.

Additionally, the database gives access to 20,000 fascicles of Chinese rare books from the collections of the library of the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences.


NCL Taiwan Periodical Literature = 國家圖書館期刊文獻資料訊網 (previous Periopath)

This database indexes more than 2 million articles in Chinese (and other languages) published in more than 4,000 Taiwanese periodicals and in several hundred Hong Kong and Macau journals from 1853 to current; it is updated each quarter. It was previously called the Zhonghua minguo qikan lunwen suoyin and Periopath/Taiwan qikan lunwen suoyin. The index is maintained at the National Central Library in Taibei. Some items without copyright are freely available. You can request those which are not through InterLibrary Loan in the usual way. Each citation has a link which allows you to see whether it is listed in an electronic database (電子期刊聯合目錄 ); if the result says CEPS, it is available in the Taiwanese Electronic Periodical System, TEPS.

Policy Commons

Policy Commons is a one-stop discovery platform for the research output of international organizations, think tanks, IGOs, and NGOs.

PRC History

The PRC History Group is a network of scholars with interests in the history of the People’s Republic of China. Their free website gives access to current book reviews, a number of journals focusing on the cultural revolution, like Remembrance 记忆, Yesterday 昨天, and Past Events 往事. It also links to a wide range of resources on PRC History that are freely available.

PubScholar = 公益学术平台

Quanguo baokan suoyin = 全国报刊索引

The Quan guo bao kan suo yin 全国报刊索引 (National Index to Chinese Newspapers & Periodicals) databases compiled by Shanghai Library are a group of databases giving access to a diverse array of sources. The database has a strong focus on the period from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic. It also indexes articles published in Chinese periodicals from 1833 to current. Some are categorized index-only (in Chinese, pian ming shu ju ku 篇名数据库), some have the full-images of the indexed articles; the content itself is not text searchable (confusingly, and wrongly, this database is called quan wen shu ju ku, 全文数据库 in Chinese). The image databases are restricted to the late Qing and Republican periods; post 1949 the database includes indexes only, and in most cases it would be better to search the China Academic Journals database instead.

The two kinds of databases are integrated on one and the same platform. Downloadable articles show a pdf icon.

For most flexible search, click on the "search center" icon (进入检索中心.) You can then specify which database(s) to search, etc.

The full-image databases include the Late Qing and part of the Republican Periodical databases (Wan Qing qi kan quan wen shu ju ku 晚清期刊全文数据库,1833-1911, and  Minguo shi qi qi kan quan wen shu ju ku 民国时期期刊全文数据库, 1911-1949). The Late Qing databases includes 625 journals. The Republican full-image database will continue to expand. A guide on how to best use the integrated platform is included here; you can ignore the section on “log-on”, which on the Princeton campus is IP-based and automatic.For the Late Qing and the Republican journals full-text searching is not possible.

The database also includes a large number of Chinese language newspapers that are indexed on the article title level. One important feature of the database is that it indexes images (mostly news photography) and advertisements.

Additionally, Princeton users have access to several Republican newspaper and a large Republican eBooks package on this website. Some of these sources are full-text searchable. The additional modules are listed individually on this research guide.

The index databases for the Late Qing and Republican databases are larger than the full-image databases. This database is to be complimented by the Dacheng laojiukan database. The index databases pian ming shu ju ku 篇名数据库 include more than 30 million citations.

To request articles not available in full-image please write to the Chinese Studies Librarian.

Renda funü yanjiu = 人大妇女研究

This is a compilation of articles in women's studies published between 1995 and 2001. It may be viewed from the main computer cluster in the EAL.

Sinica SinoWeb = 經典人文學刊庫

This database gives access to past and (if applicable) current issues to the following Sinological periodicals published in Taiwan (mostly from the Academia Sinica):

中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 中央研究院中國文哲研究集刊, 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊, 中央研究院近代中國婦女史研究, 中央研究院口述歷史期刊, 中央研究院近代中國史研究通訊, 中央研究院臺灣人類學刊, 中央研究院臺灣史研究, 漢學研究, 思与言, 鵝湖學誌, 鵝湖月刊, 食貨月刊, 民俗曲藝

The home page is in English; you may want to change to Traditional Chinese for better results.

This database was previously offered as a stand-alone database and is now hosted as part of the Taiwan Academic Classics database. Please note that there may be other database titles listed in left column of the interface to which Princeton currently does not subscribe.

Taiwan Electronic Periodicals Service = 台彎電子期刊 (airiti library)

The TEPS (Taiwan Electronic Periodicals Service) database now included in the Airiti Digital Library offers an archive of several hundred Taiwanese periodicals in various subjects, including natural and applied sciences, medicine, the humanities, and social sciences. Full texts can be downloaded in PDF format. One can browse by title. The TEPS collection is part of the Chinese Electronic Periodical Service (CEPS) database. The majority of the journals included in the database are covered in electronic form from 2000 on-wards, but there are many journals with digital back issues going back to the mid-20th century. The database even includes some 1930s journals.

Wanfang xueshu huiyi = 万方学术会议

Wanfang’s Academic conference papers database. Searches more than 2 million conference papers. Also browsable by topic and then year. Although an extra function “full text only” is available, differences between “all” and “full-text only” seem to be minimal. As with all Wanfang databases, once on the Wanfang home page, you can move from database to database via tabs. The “xue shu lun wen” tab combines several databases into one mega-search, and you can also combine searches across databases using the advanced search option.

Wanfang xueshu qikan = 万方学术期刊

Wanfang’s Online academic journals or Periodicals database . More than 22 million full-text searchable articles, which are also browsable by topic or journal. Covered years are fewer than the China Academic journals database (most journals do not go back further than 2001), and page numbers are only visible when viewing the article itself, not in the index. Hence, searching CNKI’s China Academic Journals should be your first choice for finding articles; yet, with exclusive online contracts on the rise in China, some journals may be only available in one database and not the other. Again, you can narrow down your results not only by using the topical and chronological facets, but also by typing within the tab-looking grey boxes on top of your results: e.g., by typing 2003 to 2008 in the starting and concluding year boxes. As with all Wanfang databases, once on the Wanfang home page, you can move from database to database via tabs. The “xue shu lun wen” tab combines several databases into one mega-search, and you can also combine searches across databases using the advanced search option.

Wenshi ziliao indexes

Wenshi ziliao are collections on local history that are being published on all administrative levels in form of open-ended series. The collecting and editing of Wenshi ziliao was first suggested in April 1959 by Zhou Enlai to document the experience of modernization 60 years after the reform movement of 1898. Local 文史研究馆所 were set up and supported by the Political Consultative Conference. During the past 60+ years they have often changed from internal to open publications and back. Estimations of the amount of Wenshi ziliao issues are hovering between 80,000 to 100,000 volumes. Here table of contents indexes are available for searching on each administrative level (with some exceptions like Xinjiang), and the underlying PDFs can also be downloaded for local use. Altogether there are about 1,250 documents with about 45,800 pages of article information for about 500,000 articles.

So far online access is only available to a small subset of Wenshi ziliao. Lately the 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台of the CASS 近代史研究所 made some 16,000 volumes of Wenshi ziliao freely accessible.