Use these resources primarily to find print and online articles, reports, notices, reviews, and other writings on the music industry published in music journals, trade publications, and magazines.
Covers all aspects of music, including historical musicology, ethnomusicology, instruments and voice, dance, and music therapy. If related to music, works in other fields, such as literature, dramatic arts, visual arts, anthropology, sociology, philosophy and physics are included. 1967+
Indexes music journals covering a broad scope of research from performance, theory and composition to music education, jazz and ethnomusicology. Provides selected full text coverage of the most important music journals, and both scholarly and popular publications.
Includes international music periodicals covering classical, popular and world of music. Comprehensively cites articles and news about music, musicians and the music industry as well as book and concert reviews and obituaries. 1970+
Print volumes covering 1949-1972 are available in Mendel Music Library: Reference (SV) ML 118 M84.