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Economic and Financial Literature at Princeton University

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Book Reviews in Economics and Finance

Book Review Digest Plus
1905+ Cites and excerpts reviews. Includes English-language material only. A non-fiction work must have received reviews in 2 or more of the journals indexed & the reviews must have appeared within 18  months of the book's publication date.
Book Review Index Plus 1965+ Guide to book reviews.
Book Review Index to Social Science Periodicals. 1964-1974 Provides access to book reviews published from 1964-1974 on a wide range of subjects in social science journals. Firestone Library (F) Z7161.A15B65
Business Abstracts with Full Text 1913+ Contains the book reviews & articles indexed found in major business journals & magazines. September 1988+ Provides access to CHOICE reviews. Reviews of academic titles in all fields including economics, business, & management.
H-Net Reviews 1993+ Online scholarly reviews in the social sciences & humanities.
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur = International bibliography of book reviews of scholarly literature in the humanities and social sciences : IBR. 1971+ Continues a much earlier publication, Bibliographie der Rezensionen (A19.B535), which covered 1900-1943. Published in two half-year parts. Each half-year part contains a subject index (Index Rerum) which contains the full citations to the book reviewed & to reviews of it, & an author index (Opera Recensa) which gives the subject heading to look under in the Index Rerum. There is also an index of reviewers & a list of the periodicals indexed, arranged by their identifying number. This source includes many English-language journals as well as French, Spanish, German and Portuguese.
Firestone Library (F) Z5051.I64 Current part in: Trustee Reading Room Reference (DR): Firestone Z5051.I64
Journal of Economic Literature v.1+; 1963+ Contains 2 sections: "Book Reviews" & "Annotated Listing of New Books." The table of contents of each issue lists the books included in the first section & there is a cumulation of this list in the back of the December issue. Beginning in 1983, the December issue includes an author index to the "Annotated Listing of New books."
Full text reviews may be found electronically from September 1993-present in EconLit.
New York Review of Books 1963+  
Social Sciences Citation Index. (WEB of Science) 1898+ Book reviews are listed under the name of the author of the review & identified as a book review.
Social Sciences Full Text 1974+ Contains the book reviews & articles indexed in Social Sciences Index.
Wall Street Journal Index 1958-2017. (Ceased) In the "General News" section under the subject headings "Books - Authors" & "Books - Titles" there is a listing of books reviewed in the Wall Street Journal. For reviews prior to 1990, use the subject heading "Book Reviews".   Trustee Reading Room Reference (DR): Firestone HG1 .W15
Wall Street Review of Books 1973-1990. Journal containing substantial reviews of books. Covered a wide range of economics, not just books on the stock market. Included an annual index to authors, titles, and reviewers. Firestone Library (F) HG1.W28

Economic History Book Reviews

If studying economic history, the History Research Guide is useful for providing additional sources.