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Using RefWorks at Princeton: SearchIt@PUL: Catalog+ and Course Reserves

ZOTERO is currently the recommended Bibliography Manager at Princeton. You can also get help with ENDNOTE.

Exporting to Refworks from SearchIt@PUL: Books+

1.  After searching in SearchIt@PUL: Books+, save items by checking them off and then clicking on the e-Shelf & Search History link in the top right corner of the screen.
2.  Select all the items in your Basket by clicking on the top checkbox.
3.  In the rightmost Select how to save drop-down menu, select Push to Refworks and click Go.

Follow the instructions for "Importing directly into Refworks" described below.

From within RefWorks (after following above directions)

1.  An Import References window will appear (either in a new browser tab or on top of your existing Refworks window).
2.  Click on the View Last Imported Folder button in the lower right corner of that window.
3.  Save your citations in Refworks by moving them from 
the Last Imported folder into the folder of your choice.

SearchIt@PUL: Catalog+

These instructions apply only to SearchIt@PUL: Books+ and SearchIt@PUL: Course Reserves.

For instructions on how to import to RefWorks from the (Clasic) Main Catalog or SearchIt@PUL: Articles+ go to the respective section.